P. 79

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 to so and so, he or she is very sensitive. What they are really saying is that the person is
                 touchy, so be careful.

                 ♦  They  have  negative  expectations  of  themselves  and  others  and  are  seldom
                 ♦  They lack confidence.
                 1.  They  constantly  seek  approval  and  validation  from  others.  Seeking  approval  is
                    different from seeking a second opinion, which really means consultation.
                 2. Bragging about themselves is also a sign of lack of confidence.
                 3.  Submissive  or  timid  behavior.  These  are  people  who  constantly  apologize  for  their
                    existence.  They  are  always  putting  themselves  down,  which  is  different  from  being
                    humble. Humility comes from confidence whereas putting yourself down comes from
                    lack of it.
                      A person who lacks confidence cannot be an effective leader. Others sense this lack
                    of confidence, which results in a lack of respect.
                 4. Lack of assertiveness. People with low self esteem are not willing to stand up for their
                    belief. On the other hand, being unduly aggressive is also a sign of poor self-esteem.
                    Being  aggressive  in  situations  that  require  compassion  does  not  amount  to
                 5. A lack of confidence results in conformist behavior. If everybody is doing it, then so
                    should I. Every day we see people giving in to peer pressure, knowing full well what
                    they are doing could be detrimental yet they do it to be accepted. People with low self-
                    esteem go  along to get along. They are looking for outside validation  because they
                    lack confidence in themselves.
                 6. Keeping up with the Joneses--pretense
                      When people try to keep up with the Joneses, they spend money they haven't earned,
                    they buy things they don't need, and they try to impress people they don't like.
                 7. Nonconformist or attention-seeking behavior.
                     In order to gain attention, people with poor self esteem might do senseless things just
                    to  stand  out  and  be  noticed.  They  get  a  kick  and  a  sense  of  importance  from
                    perversion. Some people choose to do wrong and be wrong just to be deferent and
                    gain attention. Examples are people who brag excessively, the classroom clown, etc.

                 ♦  They  are  indecisive  and  do  not  accept  responsibility.  Lack  of  courage  and  fear  of
                    criticism lead to indecisive behavior.
                 ♦  They rebel against authority. I make a distinction between rebelling out of the courage
                    of  one's  convictions and rebelling  because  of  poor self  esteem.  All  the great world
                    leaders, such as  Mahatma  Gandhi,  Martin Luther King  and  Abraham  Lincoln,  were
                    rebels. They rebel against authority out of the courage of their convictions; a person
                    with low self-esteem rebels against authority just because it is authority, even when
                    the authority is right.
                 ♦  They are anti-social and may be withdrawn.
                 ♦  They lack a sense of direction and have an "I don't care" attitude which is reflected in
                    their behavior. They have a hard time giving or receiving compliments. In giving, they
                    feel  they  might  be  misconstrued  and  in  receiving  they  feel  they  are  undeserving.
                    Feeling unworthy is not humility.
                 ♦  Too much emphasis on material things

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