P. 80

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 People with poor self-esteem judge a person's worth by his possessions, not by who he
                 is. They constantly look at what kind of car you are driving, what kind of home you live in,
                 what kind of clothes and jewelry you wear. They forget that people make things, and not
                 vice versa. People with poor self esteem place more emphasis on net  worth than self
                 worth. Their lives revolve around ads and fads. Designer labels are their status symbols.
                 Take away their things and they will die of shame. They get into a rat race. "The problem
                 with the rat race is that even if you win, you are still a rat."*

                 ♦  Lack of pride in themselves--they are shabbily dressed and uncouth.
                 ♦  They are takers, not givers.

                 Low  self-esteem  could  lead  to  extremes  of  behavior.  A  person  with  high  self-esteem
                 could  choose  identical  behavior  for  different  reasons:  He  may  be  alone  because  he
                 prefers solitude, whereas a person with low self-esteem prefers to be alone because he
                 is uncomfortable in groups.

                 Some characteristics of people with:

                 High Self-Esteem                                                            Low Self-Esteem

                 Talk about ideas                                                             Talk about people
                 Caring attitude                                       Critical attitude
                 Humility                                              Arrogance
                 Respects authority                                    Rebels against authority
                 Courage of conviction                                 Goes along to get along
                 Confidence                                            Confusion
                 Concerned about character                             Concerned about reputation
                 Assertive                                             Aggressive
                 Accepts responsibility                                Blames the whole world
                 Self-interest                                         Selfish
                 Optimistic                                            Fatalistic
                 Understanding                                         Greedy
                 Willing to learn                                      Know it all
                 Sensitive                                             Touchy
                 Solitude                                              Lonely
                 Discuss                                               Argue
                 Believes in self-worth                                Believes in net worth only
                 Guided                                                Misguided
                 Discipline                                            Distorted sense of freedom
                 Internally driven                                     Externally driven
                 Respects others                                       Looks down on others
                 Enjoys decency                                        Enjoys vulgarity
                 Knows limit                                           Everything goes
                 Giver                                                 Taker

                 The objective of this list is to provide a basis for self evaluation rather than produce guilt.
                 It is not necessary to have all the traits. Some characteristics may be present to a greater

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