P. 81

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 or lesser degree. So long as we are able to recognize them, we can make an effort to
                 correct ourselves.

                 THEY PUT ON A MASK

                 A young executive with poor self-esteem was promoted but he couldn't reconcile himself
                 to his new office and position. There was a knock at his door. To show how important
                 and busy he was, he picked up the phone and then asked the visitor to come in. As the
                 man  waited  for  the  executive,  the  executive  kept  talking  on  the  phone,  nodding  and
                 saying, "No problem, I can handle that." After a few minutes he hung up and asked the
                 visitor what he could do for him. The man replied, "Sir, I'm here to connect your phone."

                 What is the Message?

                 Why pretend? What are we trying to prove? What do we want to accomplish? Why do we
                 need to lie? Why look for feelings of false importance? All of this comes from insecurity
                 and poor self-esteem.

                 Why Pretend?

                 Our character can be judged by everything we do or don't do, like or don't like, such as:

                 ♦  The kind of movies we enjoy.
                 ♦  The kind of music we listen to.
                 ♦  The kind of company we keep or avoid.
                 ♦  The kind of jokes we tell or laugh at.
                 ♦  The kind of books we read.

                 Every action of ours gives us away anyway, so why pretend? I believe that if a person
                 lives with conviction, sensitivity and cooperation, he can move others with his effort. That
                 person becomes worthy of self-respect.

                 Positive Self-Esteem                                            Negative Self-Esteem

                 1.   self-respect                                                       self-put down
                 2.   self-confidence                                                 self-doubt
                 3.   self-worth                                                          self-abuse
                 4.   self-acceptance                                                self-denial
                 5.  self-love                                                             self-centered Ness
                 6.  self-knowledge                                                  self-deceit
                 7.   self-discipline                                                    self-indulgence

                 Self-esteem does not mean having a big ego. Unless a person is at peace with himself,
                 he cannot be at peace with others. Just as we cannot give to others what we don't have.
                 Unless we possess the components of self esteem, we cannot share it with others. We
                 need to first get in touch with ourselves and put ourselves in order.
                 Even in an aircraft, the safety instructions tell you to put on an oxygen mask on yourself
                 first and then on your child. We are not talking about selfishness.

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