P. 95

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 So  long  as  we  blame  outside  sources,  our  miseries  will  continue  and  we  will  feel
                 helpless.  Unless  we  accept  responsibility  for  our  feelings  and  behavior,  we  cannot
                 change. The first step is to ask:

                 ♦  Why did I get upset?
                 ♦  Why am I angry?
                 ♦  Why am I depressed?

                 Then we start getting the clues to overcome them.
                 Happiness is a result of positive self-esteem. If you ask people what makes them happy,
                 you will get all kinds of answer. Most of them would include material things but that is not
                 really true. Happiness comes from being and not having. One can have everything in life
                 and yet not be happy. The reverse is also true.
                 Happiness is internal. Happiness is like a butterfly. You run after it, it keeps flying away. If
                 you stand still, it comes and sits on your shoulder.

                 Develop a Mindset That Brings Happiness

                 Bitterness is a sign of emotional failure. It paralyzes our capacity to do good. Set your
                 own standards. Be honest to yourself. Compete against yourself. Do the following:

                 ♦  Look for the positive in every person and in every situation.
                 ♦  Resolve to be happy.
                 ♦  Set your own standards judiciously.
                 ♦  Develop an immunity to negative criticism.
                 ♦  Learn to find pleasure in every little thing.
                 ♦  Remember all times are not the same. Ups and downs are part of life.
                 ♦  Make the best of every situation.
                 ♦  Keep yourself constructively occupied.
                 ♦  Help others less fortunate than yourself.
                 ♦  Learn to get over things. Don't brood.
                 ♦  Forgive yourself and others. Don't hold guilt or bear grudges.

                 Give Yourself Positive Auto-Suggestions

                 Develop the  habit  of  giving  yourself positive  self-talk.  Auto-suggestions  alter our  belief
                 system by  influencing the subconscious mind. Our  behavior reflects our belief system.
                 Hence auto-suggestions affect our behavior by influencing our belief system. It becomes
                 a self-fulfilling prophecy. Examples:

                 ♦  I can handle it.
                 ♦  I can do it.
                 ♦  I am good at math.
                 ♦  I have a good memory.

                 Our Greatest Strength Can Become Our Greatest Weakness

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