P. 92

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 When you don't know your limitations, you go out and surprise yourself. In hindsight, you
                 wonder if you had any limitations. The only limitations a person has are those that are
                 self-imposed. Don't let education put limitations on you.

                 Do Something for Others Who Cannot Repay
                 You in Cash or Kind

                 Dr. Karl  Menninger, a  world-renowned  psychiatrist, was once asked,  "What would you
                 advise someone if you knew that person was going to have a nervous breakdown?" The
                 audience expected Dr. Menninger to advise consulting a professional. But he didn't. He
                 said, "I would advise that person to lock home, go to the other side of town, find someone
                 in need and help that person. By doing that we get out of our own way." A lot of times we
                 get in our own way, don't we?
                 Be a volunteer. It builds self-worth. Helping others as you would expect others to help
                 you gives a feeling of gratification. It is a good feeling which represents high self-esteem.
                 The  process  of  giving  without  having  expectations  or  getting  anything  in  return  raises
                 one's self esteem.
                 A healthy personality has the need not only to get but also to give.

                 Learn to Give and Receive Compliments

                 Don't miss out on any opportunity to give sincere compliments. Remember, the key word
                 is sincerity. When others give you a compliment, accept it graciously and gracefully with
                 two words, "Thank you." That is a sign of humility.

                 Accept Responsibility

                 We need to accept responsibility for our behavior and our actions and insulate ourselves
                 from excuses. Don't be like the student who failed just because he didn't like the teacher
                 or the subject. Who is he hurting the most? We have to accept responsibility and stop
                 blaming others, then, and only then, will productivity and quality of life improve.

                   Our privileges can be no greater than our obligations. The protection of our rights can
                               endure no longer than the performance of our responsibilities.

                                                                                         -John F. Kennedy

                 Excuses make the problem worse than the problem itself. We owe responsibility

                 ♦  to self
                 ♦  to family
                 ♦  to work
                 ♦  to society
                 ♦  environment

                 We can add to the greenery by planting trees, stopping soil erosion, preserving natural

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