P. 89

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 He is right. In not discharging their responsibilities, his parents are also to blame although
                 it does not absolve him of his responsibility.
                 Giving choices to children is important, but choices  without  direction result in disaster.
                 Complete mental and physical preparation is the result of sacrifice and self discipline.

                 Parents  spend  an  average  of  15  minutes  a  week  in  "meaningful  dialog"  with  their
                 children--children who are left to glean whatever values they can from peers and TV.

                                                              --Journal of the American Family Association

                 Ask yourself: Without discipline,

                 ♦  can a captain run a ship effectively?
                 ♦  can an athlete win a game?
                 ♦  can a violinist play well at a concert?

                 The answer is, "Of course not." Why then do we question today, in matters of personal
                 conduct, or to achieve any standard, if discipline is necessary? It is absolutely necessary.
                 Today the philosophy is: "If it feels good, do it."
                 I have heard parents innocently saying, "I don't care what my kids do so long as it makes
                 them happy. That is all that matters." I ask them, "Wouldn't you want to know what makes
                 them happy?" If beating people up on the streets and taking their things away are what
                 make  them  happy,  there  is  a  word  in  the  English  language  for  them,  it  is  called
                 How and where we derive our happiness from is just as important as the happiness itself.
                 It is a result of our values, discipline and responsibility.
                 We keep hearing "do what you like." The reverse is just as true. Like what you do. Many
                 times we need to do what ought to be done whether we like it or not.
                 A mother comes home after a long day's work, takes care of the household chores, looks
                 after the baby and goes to sleep exhausted. In the middle of the night the baby cries.
                 Does mama feel like getting up? No, but she gets up anyway. Why? For three reasons:

                 ♦  Love
                 ♦  Duty
                 ♦  Responsibility

                 We cannot live our lives by emotions alone. We need to add discipline, no matter what
                 age we are. Winning in life comes when we do not succumb to what we want to do but do
                 what ought to be done. That requires discipline.

                 Labeling and Put-Downs By Parents, Teachers and Supervisors

                 Have you heard some parents playfully or affectionately calling their kids "dummy" and
                 "stupid"?  Labels  stick  for  life.  When  the  kids  grow  up  they  will  be  sure  to  prove  the
                 parents right. Labels do not only stick for life but for generations. The caste system in
                 India is a prime example of how labeling can hurt. Upper caste or lower caste, "If it is not
                 a label, what is it?"

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