P. 88

RokZRooM Special !                                 You Can Win by Shiv Khera

                 Discipline Gives Freedom

                 Allowing a child to eat a box of chocolate could lead to sickness. At the same time, the
                 discipline of eating one or two pieces a day can be an enjoyable experience for a longer
                 Our instinct makes us do whatever we want regardless of the consequences.

                  Freedom is not procured by a full enjoyment of what is desired but controlling the desire.


                 There is a misconception that freedom means doing your own thing. One cannot always
                 have what one desires. Many times it is not easy to comprehend the benefits of good
                 values and discipline. It may even seem more profitable, enjoyable and convenient to do
                 otherwise.  All  we  need  to  do  is  see  countless  instances  where  lack  of  discipline  has
                 prevented people from succeeding. What we think is pulling us down is really taking us
                 up. That is what discipline is all about.

                 A boy was flying a kite with his father and asked him what kept the kite up. Dad replied,
                 "The string." The boy said, "Dad, it is the string that is holding the kite down." The father
                 asked his son to watch as he broke the string.

                 Guess what happened to the kite? It came down. Isn't that true in life? Sometimes the
                 very things that we think are holding us down are the things that are helping us fly. That
                 is what discipline is all about.

                 I Want to Be Free

                 We hear this phrase all the time: "I want to be free." If you take the train off the track, it is
                 free, but where does it go? If everyone could make their own traffic Iaws and drive on any
                 side of the road would you call that freedom or chaos? What is missing is discipline. By
                 observing the rule, we are actually gaining freedom, aren't we?

                 It is Loving Firmness

                 I have asked this question to many participants in my seminars: "If your child had a fever
                 of 105degF and did not want to go to the doctor, what would you do?" Invariably they
                 said they would get medical help even if the child resisted. Why? Because it is in the best
                 interest of the child.

                 Parenting is Not a Popularity Contest

                 A judge, when sentencing a man for robbery, asked if he had anything to say. The man
                 replied,  "Yes,  your  honor.  Please  sentence  my  parents  to  jail  also."  The  judge  asked,
                 "Why?" The prisoner answered, "When I was a little boy, I stole a pencil from school. My
                 parents knew about it but never said a word. Then I stole a pen. They knowingly ignored
                 it.  I  continued  to  steal  many  other  things  from  the  school  and  the  neighborhood  till  it
                 became an obsession. They knew about it, yet they never said a word. If anyone belongs
                 in jail with me, they do."

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