Page 41 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
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ISU invested majority of the RDE funds on agriculture and aquaculture-related programs and projects at
               97.04%.  The  remaining  fund  is  used  for  RDE  on  health  (1.21%),  energy  (0.62%),  higher  education
               (0.77%) and public governance (0.37%). It is noted that 63% of the agricultural commodity investment
               is provided for livestock and poultry researches, followed by fisheries sector at 18% and for crops at

               The top three commodities with biggest amount of investment sourced-out from 2017-2019 are: goat
               RDE Program with Php 90,939,056.00 of the total investment (37%), followed by freshwater fisheries
               RDE program with PhP 28,094,812.00 (12%) and dairy cattle RDE program with PhP 23,147,212.00

               Considering the classification of RDE activities, 53% of the grant is used for applied research; while
               12% of the total fund is utilized for basic research. Under the same period, the University started to
               promote and commercialized technologies generated wherein 6% and 8% of the grant are used for
               technology  promotion  and  commercialization,  respectively.  In  support  to  the  advancement  of  RDE
               community  within  the  University,  20%  of  the  grant  is  used  for  institutional  development  in  which
               laboratories equipped with modern equipment were established. Furthermore, 1% of the grant is for
               continuous capability building of researchers

               2.      IMPLEMENTATION

               □ Actual expenditures for research of the Academic Unit in the last 3-5 years.

                       Expenditure Item        CY 2016       2017           2018         2019       2020*
                       1.   Researcher’s Incentives
                       2.   Supplies and Materials

                       3.   Travel and Fuel
                       4.   Capability Building
                                                6,514,464.35   5, 870,431.50  6,838,399.83   9,856,534.24   3,594,644.39
                       5.   Acquisition of Equipment
                       6.   Repair of Facilities
                       7.   Others

                       TOTAL                   6,514,464.35   5, 870,431.50   6,838,399.83   9,856,534.24   3,594,644.39
               *as of November 2020, SB 164 Fund, as of November 2020, MOOE 101 Fund

               Linkages established with Research agencies/institutions

               41  |  P a g e   – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a   V :  R e s e a r c h / B S   E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p
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