Page 43 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
P. 43
Project Partner Agency 1,922,278.00
CHED Greening Dairy Rural Industry Value Chain Towards
Economic & Environmental Sustainability in Cagayan Valley
R02 1,724,121.00
DA-BAR Adoption & Commercialization of Green Corn-based
Silage,Haylage & UMMB Production for Dairy Cattle in
Cagayan Valley
Establishment of Bus. Model for Techno-based Organic Fertilizer 1,945,230.00
Production Enterprise towards commercialization in Isabela.
Promotion of Artificial Insemination as Breeding Tool for Cattle 2,000,000.00
Production in Region 02
DA-ACEF Upgrading of Soil Analytical Laboratory of ISU Echague
Commercialization of Crop Residue Based Total Mixed Ration 5,000,000.00
(TMR) for Dairy Cattle/Carabao Production in Cagayan
Innovative Systems in Advancing Technology-based Goat
DOST-PCAARRD Production 9,156,960.89
Smarter Approaches to Reinvigoirate Agriculture as an
Industry in the Phils. (SARAI): Community Level SARAI Enhanced 789, 142.37
Agriculture Monitoring System (SEAMS
Organized Breeding & Selection for the Establishment of Breeding
thru to type native Pig in Cag. Valley 1.0
Conservation & Artificial Spawning of Ludong Lobed River
1,371, 550.84
Mullet (Cestraeous plicatillitis) 2,035,009.32
Utilization of Aquatic Plant as Immutismulant for Freshwater
Eel Culture
DOST-R02 Localizing Innovative Farm Mechanization Inventions &
Fabrication thru the Equipment Manufacturing Cluster of 500,000.00
Region 02 (EMC-2)
Conduct of International Training-Workshop on Integrated
Water Resources Management (IWRM) in River Basins for 325,000.00
Sustaniable Development cum Field Visit
& Collaboration Meetings
Development of Ready to Eat Meals as Convenient 2,000,000.00
Citizen Satisfaction Indexed Survey (Ivana,Batanes)
Citizen Satisfaction Indexed Survey (Tumauini, Isabela) 578,078.00
Citizen Satisfaction Indexed Survey (Delfin Albano, Isabela)
DSWD – R02 Child Labor in the major industries in Cag. Valley region: An 250,000.00
Perception Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of 479,610.00
Households to Climate Extremes & Disasters in the Sixth 479,610.00
Dist. Of Isabela
Farmers Satisfaction Survey –Region
NIA- MARIIS Region Farmers Satisfaction Survey –Region 119,824.10
NIA- MARIIS Isabela 327,340.00
43 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a V : R e s e a r c h / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p