Page 43 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
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Project                  Partner Agency                            1,922,278.00
                           CHED                Greening  Dairy  Rural  Industry  Value  Chain  Towards
                                               Economic  &  Environmental  Sustainability in  Cagayan  Valley
                                               R02                                                1,724,121.00
                           DA-BAR              Adoption  &  Commercialization  of  Green  Corn-based
                                               Silage,Haylage  &  UMMB  Production  for  Dairy  Cattle  in
                                               Cagayan Valley
                                               Establishment of Bus. Model for Techno-based Organic Fertilizer   1,945,230.00
                                               Production Enterprise towards commercialization in Isabela.
                                               Promotion of Artificial Insemination as Breeding Tool for Cattle   2,000,000.00
                                               Production in Region 02
                           DA-ACEF             Upgrading of Soil Analytical Laboratory of ISU Echague
                                               Commercialization of Crop Residue Based Total Mixed Ration   5,000,000.00
                                               (TMR)  for  Dairy  Cattle/Carabao  Production  in  Cagayan
                                               Innovative Systems in Advancing Technology-based Goat
                           DOST-PCAARRD        Production                                         9,156,960.89
                                               Smarter Approaches to Reinvigoirate Agriculture as an
                                               Industry in the Phils. (SARAI): Community Level SARAI Enhanced   789, 142.37
                                               Agriculture Monitoring System (SEAMS
                                               Organized Breeding & Selection for the Establishment of Breeding
                                               thru to type native Pig in Cag. Valley 1.0
                                               Conservation  &  Artificial  Spawning  of  Ludong  Lobed River
                                                                                                   1,371, 550.84
                                               Mullet (Cestraeous plicatillitis)                  2,035,009.32
                                               Utilization of Aquatic Plant as Immutismulant for Freshwater
                                               Eel Culture
                           DOST-R02            Localizing Innovative Farm Mechanization Inventions &
                                               Fabrication thru the Equipment Manufacturing Cluster of   500,000.00
                                               Region 02 (EMC-2)
                                               Conduct  of  International  Training-Workshop  on Integrated
                                               Water  Resources  Management  (IWRM)  in  River  Basins  for   325,000.00
                                               Sustaniable Development cum Field Visit

                                               & Collaboration Meetings
                                               Development of Ready to Eat Meals as Convenient    2,000,000.00
                                               Citizen Satisfaction Indexed Survey (Ivana,Batanes)
                           DILG- R02
                                               Citizen Satisfaction Indexed Survey (Tumauini, Isabela)      578,078.00
                                               Citizen Satisfaction Indexed Survey (Delfin Albano, Isabela)

                           DSWD – R02          Child Labor in the major industries in Cag. Valley region: An      250,000.00
                                               Perception  Resilience  and  Adaptive  Capacity   of     479,610.00
                                               Households to Climate Extremes & Disasters in the Sixth   479,610.00

                                               Dist. Of Isabela
                                               Farmers Satisfaction Survey –Region
                           NIA- MARIIS Region   Farmers Satisfaction Survey –Region                119,824.10

                           NIA- MARIIS Isabela                                                     327,340.00

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