Page 46 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
P. 46

List of Completed and On-going Externally Funded Projects

               ▪       List of Completed and On-going Externally Funded Projects

                                                                   FUNDING       PROJECT
                            NAME OF SPECIAL PROJECT                                           AMOUNT
                                                                    SOURCE       DURATION
                                                                 DA, UP-NCPAG
                  Establishing Baseline Agriculture Performance and Rural   and LGUs of   2021   1,500,000.00
                  Development Indicators                           Isabela and
                                                                  Nueva Vizcaya
                  Willingness to Pay for Organic Products in Region 02   CHED    2018-2020
                  Enhancing the Intellectual Property and Technology
                  Business Management (IP- TBM) Operations of Isabela   DOST PCAARRD   2018-2020
                  State University
                  Padina Laplapayag as an Alternative Immunobooster for   DOST PCAARRD   2018-2019
                  Tilapia Health Management
                  Promotion of Artificial Insemination as Breeding Tool for   DA BAR   2018-2019
                  Cattle Production in Region 02
                  Technology Incubation Project                      DA 02         2018
                  Innovative systems in Advancing Technology based Goat   DOST-   2017-2020
                  Production                                       PCAARRD
                  Establishment of Renewable Energy Laboratory and   DOST        2017-2020
                  Demonstration Park                               PCIEERRD
                  Establishment of Fresh Water Fisheries Center   DOST PCAARRD   2017-2020

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