Page 47 - PPP_Area V_RESEARCH
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Citizen Satisfaction Report: Delfin Albano, Isabela, 2019   DILG   2019     250,000.00
                  Citizen Satisfaction Report: Tumauini, Isabela, 2019   DILG      2019       250,000.00
                  Greening Dairy Rural Industry Value Chain Towards
                  Economic and Environmental Sustainability in Cagayan   CHEd    2017-2019
                  Valley Region 02
                  ISU Livestock Technology Business Incubator                    2017-2019
                  Adaptation and Commercialization of Green Corn Based
                  Silage, haylage and UMMB Production for Dairy Cattle in   DA BAR   2017-2019
                  Cagayan Valley
                  Enhancing Ecosystem Services on Food and Freshwater in   CHED   2017-2019
                  Rainfed Agricultural Areas of Cagayan Valley
                  Design Fabrication of a Renewable Energy Laboratory and   DOST   2017-2019
                  Demonstration Park                               PCIEERRD
                  Liquified Petroleum Gas as Fuel for Farm Equipment   DOE       2017-2019
                  Citizen Satisfaction Index System-Ivana, Batanes   DILG          2018       195,195.00
                  Industry Focused Technologies Innovations and Knowledge
                  for Livelihood Income and Food Supply Enhancement (ITIK   DOST   2017-2018
                  for Life) Program for Sustainability of the Philippine Duck   PCIEERRD
                  Rabies Control and Prevention Project in the Province of   BAI   2017-2018
                  Farmers Satisfaction Index                          NIA        2017-2018
                  Citizen Satisfaction Index System-Santiago City    DILG          2017       195,195.00
                  Citizen Satisfaction Index System-Echague          DILG          2017       195,195.00
                  Assistance in Management of USAIDs Partnership with NSF   USAID   2016-2019
                  and Related Activities to promote Global S&T Partnership
                  Fish Kill Mitigation Measures for Cage Aquaculture Systems   dost   2016-2018
                  in Buhin Lake and Magat Reservoir
                  Promotion of Generated Cacao Technologies and     DA- BAR      2016-2018
                  Development of New Products Towards Improved Livelihood
                  Utilization of Plant Based Natural Oxidants for Framed         2016-2018
                  PHIL-LIDAR 1 Hazard Mapping of the Philippines using
                  LIDAR, Program B. LIDAR Data Processing and Validation in   DOST PCIEERD   2014-2017   22,698,868.20

                  National Research and Development Projects for Watershed   DOST PCAARRD   2015-2017   4,687,672

                  Management in the Philippines (Phase 2)

               Research Facilities, Equipment, ICT and Other Resources
                                                         OFFICE EQUIPMENT 164
                   Item No.      ARTICLE AND          DATE       Quantity    UNIT    ON HAND PER COUNT     REMARKS
                                 DESCRIPTION        ACQUIRED                /Value
                                                                                     Quantity     Value    Where about
                      1      Ring Binder                           1        18,820.00    1     18,820.00    Research
                      2      Apple MD 102 Macbook   1/18/2013      1        69,845.00    1         69,845.00   Research
                      3      Water dispenser        3/20/2000      1           7,300.00    1          7,300.00   Research

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