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with the pre-AIHR reviews of the different ISU campuses and clusters. A campus may opt to conduct
other reviews as it may see fit.
R&D Management Information System and Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
Directly under the Office of the Vice President, this unit serves as the University repository of data
related to RDET activities. Its functions are the following:
a. Provide processed information that are useful in the rational planning and
decision-making for RDET management and operations;
b. Plan, develop and maintain RDET information system for the University;
c. Train MIS members in campuses on electronic data processing and
maintenance of Information Technology (IT) facilities and equipment;
d. Monitor RDET programs/projects/resources (proposed, on-going, and
completed researches; abstract bibliographies of completed researches; technologies generated,
validated, verified, pilot tested and commercialized; and manpower, equipment and infrastructure).
ISU R & D Form A-Monitoring and Evaluation Forms for Completed Research
Campus: ____________________________
Period Covered: ______________________
A. Summary Sheets
Key Result Area (KRA) Target Accomplishment Quarterly Targets Remarks
1. Research Conducted/Completed on Time
2. Paper Presented in Regional, National,
International fora/conferences
3. Research Outputs Published in CHED
Accredited Journal/Internationally Indexed Journals
4. Research Output Cited in refereed
international or national journals and books
5. Patents/Copyrights
6. Research Outputs Utilized/Commercialized
7. Amount of R&D funds generated from
external sources
8. No. of R&D Awards/Recognition Received
Prepared by: Submitted by:
________________________ ________________________
Campus Research Director Campus Executive Officer
ISU R & D Form B-Monitoring Sheets per KRA
B1. Research Conducted/Completed on Time
No. Research Title Authors Unit Budget Duration Date and Venue of Presentation
(Campus/Univ. In-House Review)
B2. Paper Presented in Regional, National, International fora/conferences
No. Research Authors Conference/ Symposium/Seminar Date Venue Category
82 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a V : R e s e a r c h / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p