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B3. Research Outputs Published in CHED Accredited Journal/Internationally Indexed Journals
No. Paper Author/s Title of ISBN/ISSN Vol./No./Page Category Date of
Title Book/Journal Publication
B4. List of R&D Awards/ Recognition Received (Individual, Institutional)
No. Awardees Name of Award Awarding Occasion where Date Category
Body award is given
B5. List of Patents Applications/ Approved
No. Inventor/s Type of Name of Application/ Certifying Date of Application/ Approval
Intellectual Product Registration body/agency
property No.
B6. Amount of R&D funds generated from external sources
No. Name of Proponents Funding Agency Duration Date of Category Date of Fund
Project MOA/MOU Release
Note: All documents i.e. hardcopies of papers, Xerox copies of certificates, MOA/MOU, pictures of plaques, projects notice
to proceed, etc.
should be attached.
For all M&E, it should indicate below the following
Prepared by: _____________________ Certified Correct by: ___________________
Campus Research Director Campus Head
Utilization of research results/outputs (e.g. for institutional development, enhancement of
instructional process, technology transfer, etc.)
Guidelines on Technology Transfer and Commercialization
It is hereby a policy of the University to share knowledge and technologies among government and other institutions to ensure that
scientific and technological developments are accessible to a wider range of users who can further develop, share or exploit the
knowledge (for socioeconomic or technical database) for policy formulation and technologies for developing new products,
processes, materials or services.
The following guidelines shall be adopted in technology transfer and commercialization:
• Test against maturity indicators - passing the piloting stage, stability or industry standards and
risk assessment evaluation;
• Test against viability (STEEP) indicators – social acceptability, technical feasibility, economic
viability, environmental soundness and political acceptability;
• Technology promotion through publicity and other appropriate communication strategies
such as technology forum and other fora;
• Publication in refereed R&D journals, R&D highlights, etc.;
• Tapping of conduits or channels for technology transfer and commercialization like the
83 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a V : R e s e a r c h / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p