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Manuscripts should be submitted in a hard copy with electronic copy, or through electronic mail. The Following
content format shall be observed:
• Title
• Author/s
• Abstract
• Keywords
• Introduction
• Methodology
• Results and Discussions
• Acknowledgment, particularly funding source (when applicable)
• References cited
2) Units of measure
Use measurements and weights in the decimal system rather than fractions. The International Units (metric)
system should be adopted. The % sign is used with numerals; otherwise, spell out percent or percentage. Other
abbreviations and acronyms may be used if earlier identified in the paper.
3) Title
A good title briefly identifies the subject, indicates the purpose of the study and contains key words, and should
be as short as possible. The scientific names of crops should be used where possible.
4) Abstract
the abstract must be completely self-explanatory. It must be very brief and includes the reasons for conducting
the study, objectives, methods used, results and conclusion. The abstract should be capable of “standing alone”
that describes the whole study. A good length for an abstract is 300 words.
5) Results and Discussion
The results and discussions highlight the contribution of the authors to the science or existing body of knowledge
covered by the scientific paper. Although it should be brief, it must be concise, precise, thorough and factual. The
presentation of the results and discussions may be integrated, i.e. the results are presented and discussed
immediately thereafter. On the other hand, all the results may be presented sequentially followed by an
integrated discussion of the previously presented results. The author(s) may use either of the formats, however,
the latter is preferred for the University R&D Journal.
6) References
References should be arranged alphabetically by senior authors’ surname. They should include names of all
authors, complete title, publication, volume number and inclusive pages of references cited in the study.
7) Tables and figures
The numbering of tables and figures should be in separate consecutive order. Insert each table or figure right
after or within its textual discussion.
8) Abbreviations and symbols
A sentence should not start with an abbreviation. Months accompanied by day and year are abbreviated using
the first three letters except May, June and July.
9) Reporting time and dates
Use the 24 hour time system with four digits. Dates are reported with day of the day first, then month, followed
by the year (e.g., 08 Aug 2009).
Where appropriate and for the purpose of promoting and enhancing the research productivity of HEIs, the policy
guidelines for the CHED Accreditation of Research Journals shall be used as basic reference for updating and
revision of these guidelines.
93 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a V : R e s e a r c h / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p