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All faculty researchers, administrative and support personnel and students who would like to publish their
scientific R&D works in any of the University R&D Journals and Journal of Information of campuses shall be
governed by the policies and guidelines on publications.
a. Editorial Board
There shall be one University R&D Journal that shall be internationally peer reviewed. Towards this end, its
Editorial Board shall be composed of researchers who have published in international peer reviewed journals
and shall come from varied fields of specialization.
As a group, the Editorial Board shall provide guidance for the direction of the publication and should
communicate on a regular basis to discuss and review the policies, directions and contents of the journals. They
shall have responsibilities towards:
a) The authors as they provide the guidelines in the preparation and submission of the manuscripts;
b) ISU as owner of the publication; and
c) The readers to advance information to the benefit of the public.
An Editorial Staff shall likewise be organized to fundamentally consist of the following:
• Editor-in-Chief;
• Associate Editors representing the sectoral fields of specialization corresponding to the coverage issue
of the publication;
• Circulation Manager;
• Lay-Out artists;
• Cover Design Artists; and
• Encoders.
The selection of the Editor-in-Chief is very critical to the Editorial Board. Reporting directly to the Editorial Board,
he/she oversees the Editorial Staff and makes the necessary recommendations to improve dissemination of the
scientific journal and have complete authority over editorial contents within the defined scope of the scientific
journal. He/she should possess a general scientific knowledge of the areas covered in the journal; have the skill
in the art of writing, editing and critical assessment; and establish policies and procedures in the submission,
processing, evaluation and consequently publication of the scientific journal.
b. Peer Reviewers
The quality of research outputs is judged by the peer review mechanism. The scientific and academic
advancements of academic and research institutions and scientists are based on peer-reviewed publications.
Unknown to each other, the peer reviewers shall be selected through invitations from research
institutions/agencies other than the author(s). Each of the peer reviewers must be a recognized scientist through
his/her publications in international peer reviewed journals. A statistician may be added as a member of the
panel of reviewers when necessary, as evaluated by the editor in chief. The reviewers shall have responsibilities
1) The authors by providing a written and unbiased feedback on the scientific merits of the work, its
conciseness, clarity and relevance, and the maintenance of confidentiality in the review process;
2) The editorial staff by providing informative, thoughtful, constructive and fair criticisms with respect to the
originality and scientific merits of the research work, including the standards of the research journal; and
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