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h) Within six months after the conference, the paper shall be presented in a University program organized
by the University R & D Office. A bi-annual presentation forum shall be held for the purpose. All paper presenters
in international conferences for the past six months or so shall present papers in the University forum.
Support for Publication of Scientific Papers. The University shall provide support for the publication of
research outputs in internationally peer reviewed journals.
In cases where a researcher’s scientific paper is accepted for publication and a publication fee is required by the
journal, the University shall provide financial support for the purpose. Provided, the journal is internationally peer
reviewed and found in the Thomson Reuters (ISI) international indices or at least Scopus-indexed.
To avail of the grant, the researcher shall forward a request letter addressed to the University President through
the Office of the VP RDET, endorsed through channels. The VP RDET shall endorse the request to the
President with the corresponding recommendation for appropriate action (approval or disapproval). When
approved by the President, the amount of the fee requested for the publication of the paper shall be granted to
the researcher payable to, or as provided for by, the journal.
Support for Published Research Outputs. The publication of research outputs in international peer reviewed
journals, where findings and conclusions are validated through rigorous peer review, is the established standard
in science. Journals that meet the high standards of genuine peer review are included in citation indices
recognized in the international scientific community – Thomson Reuters (ISI) and Scopus. On the other hand,
publication or recognition of inventions resulting from research outputs come in the form of duly registered
patents, utility models, designs, trademarks, and copyrights. In the Philippines, these research outputs are
issued by the Intellectual Property Office (IPO).
The University shall promote and encourage the publication of research outputs in internationally peer reviewed
journals, peer-reviewed books or book chapters and to researchers who are able to have their inventions IPO-
registered. For the purpose, the University shall promulgate a financial rewards scheme. Providing the financial
incentives to deserving ISU researchers shall be approved by the University President through the
recommendation of the VP RDET. In a case where more there are more than one author from ISU (e.g. co-
authors), the award shall be shared equally between (among) the ISU co-authors.
Guidelines on R&D Publications
One of the fundamental roles of ISU in the dissemination of R&D results is the responsibility in providing a well
written, concise, technically correct, and easy to read research report. Researchers should be able to
demonstrate good writing skills because the results of R&D activities are as successful as the writers and the
corresponding reports that emanate from them.
The print and multimedia R&D publications and other publications of ISU are the public face of the University and
they have significant influence on both public and private perceptions. R&D books, papers or results of original
research works such as technical papers and notes, scholarly journals, journals of information, newsletters,
booklets, reports, posters, training manuals, modules, brochures and any printed material intended to be
transmitted and communicated by means of any device or process, including the use of the web, shall be
regulated using acceptable standards or style.
90 | P a g e – O B Q A - P P P / A r e a V : R e s e a r c h / B S E n t r e o r e n e u r s h i p