Page 34 - Parameter IX PPP
P. 34



                     •    PARAMETER D― SPECIAL PROVISIONS

                     D.1. SYSTEM-INPUTS AND PROCESSES

                     Describe     specific   program     requirements     in    accordance      with
                     policies/guidelines, CMOs and other legal issues.

                       Laboratory and Other Facilities.

                       •      The laboratory and facilities requirements for undergraduate
                       programs shall be coupled with: a) provision for research facilities or
                       research equipment in basic sciences, b) instructional laboratories for
                       Course-work Master’s (CWM) Program and, c) extensive information
                       technology facilities that will allow for Internet access. (lifted from CMO No.
                       36 s.1998)
                     •             There is 100% internet connectivity in the learning resources of
                     the University and in all computer laboratory rooms thus providing ready

                     internet access to students conducting researches. The central graduate
                     school building (cyber library) is a wi-fi zone area to respond to the research

                     needs of the graduate students. Since almost all graduate students have
                     their own laptops/netbooks and many of the research references are found

                     over various websites, it is easier for them to do research without going to
                     various places within the campus.

                     •      In terms of statistical software needed in the analysis of research

                     data, the university purchased a licensed software for use by the graduate

                     school faculty member handling Statistics subject who then serve as the
                     statistician of the research students. However, downloadable trial version of
                     the software is being downloaded for instructional purposes.
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