Tall Tales Test
P. 1
Clever name/masthead here?
Quarter 2, 2022
July Tales from the Ranch
"You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference. You just have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."
As Susan Mooney, TTR's co-founder often says, our am- bassadors are our north star. As I near six months as TTR’s Executive Director, I feel fully immersed in the workings of Tall Tales Ranch and I couldn’t agree more.
Without a doubt the best part of my job has been getting to know our inspirational ambassadors. I’m so impressed with their unique talents, open and accessible personali- ties and their innate ability to be unapologetically exactly who they are. I’m grateful for the relationships I am build- ing with them and the many more that will impact me in the future.
As we build the ranch in Lone Tree, we are not only provid- ing a place to live and work for our ambassadors, we are providing opportunities for the greater community to de-
velop positive life-changing relationships with our ambassadors who accept all of us for being unapologetically who we are too!
With Sincere GratitudeUrestion secuptas molupturi nis reic tores etust, sentibus des dolectur, que consent dolor aliciatem exceper ovidis dolorepedi omnihillab iur maionsediti dellaut as dolessed maiora doloritae nusdae. Ceperum vercimus serum andestiumqui is nemqui nis eum expliqui ut voluptiost acepro qui omnim idit
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