Page 11 - Nile Explorer Issue 007
P. 11

“We are thankful  for the  exceptional  entities:  The African  Development  List of the 20 largest countries by voting powers
      level of interest the  Fight  Covid-19  Bank, the African  Development Fund   at the African Development Bank which also
      Social Bond has raised across the world,  and the Nigeria Trust Fund. The AfDB's   translates to shareholding.
      as the  African  Development  Bank  mission is to fight poverty and improve   Rank         Country        Voting Powers
      moves towards lessening the social and  living  conditions  on  the continent                        (% of Total)
      economic impact of the pandemic on a  through promoting the investment of       World                     100.000
      continent already severely constrained.  public and  private  capital  in  projects   1. Nigeria     9.281
      Our Social bond program enables us to  and programs that are likely to contrib-
      highlight our strong development man-  ute to the economic and social develop-  2. United States       6.563
      date to the investor community, allow-  ment of the region.              3. Japan                    5.494
      ing them to play a part in improving the   The AfDB is  a  financial  provider to   4. Egypt          5.379
      lives of the people of Africa. This was an   African  governments and private   5. South Africa        4.871
      exceptional outcome for an exceptional   companies  investing  in  the  regional   6. Algeria          4.209
      cause,” said Hassatou Diop N’Sele, Trea-  member countries (RMC). While it was   7. Germany          4.127
      surer, African Development Bank.     originally headquartered in  Abidjan,   8. Canada               3.802
      Fight Covid-19 was allocated to central  Côte  d'Ivoire, the  bank's headquarters   9. France          3.760
      banks and  official  institutions  (53%),  moved to Tunis, Tunisia, in 2003, due to   10. Côte d’Ivoire       3.687
      bank treasuries (27%) and asset manag-  the Ivorian civil war; before returning in  11. Libya          3.683
      ers (20%). Final bond distribution statis-  September 2014.              12. Morocco                 3.498
      tics were as follows: Europe (37%),                                      13. Italy                   2.428
      Americas (36%), Asia (17%) Africa (8%,)   The largest African Development Bank   14. Ghana           2.137
      and Middle-East (1%).                shareholder is Nigeria  with  nearly 9   15. Zimbabwe           2.052
                                           percent of the vote. All member coun-
      The African Development Bank Group   tries of the AfDB are represented on the   16. United Kingdom       1.689
      (AfDB) or Banque Africaine de Dévelop-  AfDB Board of Executive Directors.  17. Ethiopia             1.587
      pement (BAD) is a multilateral develop-                                  18. Sweden                  1.553
      ment finance institution. The AfDB was                                   19. Switzerland             1.474
      founded  in  1964  and  comprises  three                                 20. Kenya                   1.430



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