Page 12 - Nile Explorer Issue 007
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even for Kenya, which retains the stron-  would take place by British  multina-
                                            gest ties with the UK, principally  tionals as a consequence of Brexit. The
                                            through its exports of cut flowers, fresh  EAC market has been growing relatively
                                            fruit  and  vegetables. Bilateral  trade  rapidly over the last decade, and a large
                                            between   both  countries  exceeds  share  of  the  investments  is  associated
                                            KES.139  billion  (£1 billion) by 2018.  with  natural  resources (especially in
                                            The UK is also one of the largest inves-  Tanzania and Uganda). Thus the moti-
                                            tors in Kenya, Vodafone plc owns stake  vations  are  location-specific  and  less
                                            in Kenya's largest taxpaying firm, Safar-  strongly dependent on conditions in the
                                            icom. The UK is also a major buyer of  source-country market.
                                            Kenyan horticultural produce. The UK   The point of worry however, would be
                                            imports 8.5% of Kenyan goods, and 3.4%   in  the area of remittances. The World
                                            of British goods  make up Kenya's   Bank’s  latest brief shows  that  East
                                            imports. Until a decade ago, the UK was   African  countries  received  $17.38
       Brexit: Impact on                    Kenya's largest source of FDI; however   billion from their citizens living abroad
                                            China is now the largest source of FDI.
       Trade and investment                                                     between 2013  and 2018.  According  to
       on East African                      In relation  to EU,  exports to the EU  the bank, Kenya topped the region as the
                                            from East African  Community are  biggest beneficiary  of remittances,
       Community                            mainly coffee, cut flowers, tea, tobacco,  receiving  $10.74  billion, followed  by
                                            fish and  vegetables. Imports  from  the  Uganda  ($6.28  billion), South  Sudan
           ritish  government  statistics  show   EU into the region are dominated by  ($2.85 billion), Tanzania ($2.39 billion),
      B that  foreign  direct  investments in   machinery  and  mechanical  appliances,  Rwanda  ($1.13  billion)  and  Burundi
       Africa doubled between 2005 and 2014,   equipment and parts, vehicles and phar-  ($257 million). The foreign remittances
       from  £20.8  billion  ($27.6  billion) to   maceutical  products. The East African  outpaced  foreign  direct  investment
       £42.5  billion  ($56.5 billion).Because of   Community (Burundi,  Kenya, Rwanda,  (FDI) to  become the  largest  source  of
       the longstanding historical links, prod-  Tanzania,  and  Uganda)  finalized  the  external  financing  in  low  and
       uct of their colonial histories, trade and   negotiations for an Economic Partner-  middle-income  countries  Its latest
       investment links, Europe — and the UK   ship Agreement (EPA) with the EU on  Migration  and  Development  Brief
       in  particular  — has maintained  strong   16  October  2014.  Kenya and  Rwanda  shows that  the  volume of  remittances
       economic ties  with  the  East African   signed the EPA in September 2016, and  into  the five East African  countries
       region. However, the intensity of those   Kenya has ratified  it. For the EPA  to  increased by more than 60 per cent to
       links  has declined  in  recent  years   enter  into  force, the  three remaining  $4.66 billion in 2018, from $2.84 billion
       because of the  growing  importance  of   EAC members need to sign and ratify  in 2013.
       South–South trade  links — both      the agreement. South Sudan became the
       intra-African  trade  and trade  with   sixth member of the EAC in September   An analysis of the World Bank data for
       emerging markets (particularly China).   2016.  The European  Commission   2018  by the Washington-based Pew
       The EU-27  (i.e., the  European  Union   submitted a  proposal for conclusion,   Research Centre shows that most of the
       minus UK), as a destination  for EAC   signature and provisional application of   inflows into  Tanzania  were from the
       exports, had fallen from around 35% of   the full EPA with the East African Com-  United States, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi,
       exports in 2000 to just 20% by 2015. It is   munity to the Council in February 2016.  South Africa, Malawi and Australia.
       projected that this fall will continue and                               On the other hand, foreigners living and
       worsen post Brexit.                  In terms of FDI, Kenya, Tanzania  and   working  in  Tanzania  remitted  some
                                            Uganda are countries where the UK is a   $629 million to their countries last year,
       AT regional level,  UK has declined as a   significant stakeholder, being the single   with  most of the outflows going  to
       market for EAC  exporters at an even   leading investor in Kenya, representing   India,  Kenya, China,  Uganda,  US,
       faster  pace  —  going  from 14.6  to  just   approximately 23%  of the investment   Germany, Burundi,  Italy, Britain,
       3.4% over the same period. The nominal   stock, and the second largest investor in   Rwanda and Pakistan. According to the
       value of EAC trade towards the UK has   Tanzania (21% of the investment stock).   EAC trade report (2017)  East Africa’s
       also been  falling  —  peaking  at  766   In Uganda, British  firms account  for   FDI inflows declined by 25.3 per cent to
       million  USD in  2008  and  declining  to   10% of the FDI stock, but in the other   $6.6 billion in 2017 from $8.8 billion in
       just 447 million USD in 2015. In terms   two landlocked EAC countries Rwanda   2016.  Kenya recorded the highest
       of  trading  links  with  individual  mem-  and Burundi UK investment is negligi-  decline in FDI inflows—a drop by 60.6
       bers  of the EAC,  it  is actually quite   ble. Accordingly, there is no reason to   per cent to $717.7 million, down from
       surprising how low the UK now ranks,   suppose  that  significant  divestments   $1.8 billion. It was followed by Uganda,

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