Page 9 - Nile Explorer Issue 007
P. 9

Further stating that: “Under-resourced   COVID-19.  The organization  has
                                            hospitals and fragile health systems are   emphasized the need for three priority
                                            likely to be overwhelmed. This may be   actions:  resources to help stop the
                                            further exacerbated by a spike in cases,   spread of the virus, support to respond
                                            as up to 75 per cent of people in least   during the outbreak itself, and resources
                                            developed countries lack access to soap   to  prevent  the  economic  collapse of
                                            and water.                          developing countries.
                                            Additional  social conditions, such as   As an  immediate  response, UNDP  is
                                            poor urban  planning  and overpopula-  building  on the support it has been
                                            tion in some cities, weak waste disposal   providing  to China  and  other Asian
                                            services, and  even  traffic  congestion   countries to help strengthen their health

         impeding access to healthcare facilities,   systems.  This includes  helping  them

  )         may all add to the caseload.        procure much-needed medical supplies,
                                                                                leverage digital technologies and ensur-
       COVID-19: Looming                    “This pandemic is a health crisis. But not   ing health workers are paid.
                                            just a health crisis. For vast swathes of
       crisis in developing                 the globe, the pandemic will leave deep,   At the same  time, UNDP will support
       countries threatens to               deep  scars,”  noted  Achim Steiner,   countries to slow the spread of the virus
       devastate economies and              Administrator  of  the  United  Nations   and  to  provide  social protection  for
                                                                                vulnerable  populations,  promoting  a
                                            Development  Programme  (UNDP).
       ramp up inequality.                  “Without support from the internation-  whole-of-government        and
       A   s the  world struggles to control   al community, we risk a massive rever-  whole-of-society response to comple-
                                                                                ment efforts in the health sector.
                                            sal of gains  made over the  last two
           the  social  and  economic  disrup-
                                            decades, and an entire generation lost, if
       tions abought by the COVID  19       not in lives then in rights, opportunities   In  the  longer  term, UNDP will  work
                                                                                with countries to assess the social and
       pandemic, there are concerns that third   and dignity.”                  economic impacts of  COVID-19 and
       world countries, particularly in Africa,                                 take urgent recovery measures to mini-
       will  be heavily hit  by  consequences of   Working in close coordination with the   mize long-term impact, particularly for
       the  outbreak  far beyond  their  control,   World Health  Organization  (WHO),   vulnerable  and  marginalized  groups,
       leading to unprecedented human suffer-  UNDP is helping countries to prepare   and to help societies to recover better.
       ing that would last for a longtime, even   for, respond to and  recover from  the   Tackling COVID-19 and its impacts will
       after the outbreak is contained.  In this   COVID-19 pandemic, focusing particu-  require  partners  who  can  work  across
       contest, the UNDP seeking  unprece-  larly on the most vulnerable.       systems and sectors and in contexts that
       dented COVID-19 support for vulnera-  UNDP is already working to support   are both complex and  uncertain.  With
       ble countries.                       health  systems  in  countries  including   years of experience  on the frontlines,

       According  to  the  UNDP, the  growing   Bosnia  and  Herzegovina,  China,  this is what UNDP is designed to do.
       COVID-19  crisis threatens  to dispro-  Djibouti,  El Salvador, Eritrea, Iran,   UNDP is fully operational in 170 coun-
       portionately hit  developing  countries,   Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Nigeria, Para-  tries and territories and focused on its
       not only as a health crisis in the short   guay, Panama,  Serbia, Ukraine  and   COVID-19 response, mobilizing all its
       term but as a devastating  social and   Vietnam.                         assets to respond to this unprecedented
       economic crisis over the months and   A  UNDP-led    COVID-19     Rapid  challenge.
       years to come.                       Response Facility  has already  been   Meanwhile, United  Nations  Secre-
       In  a  statement  posted  on  the  agency’s   launched, funded by existing resources   tary-General António Guterres , March
       website and circulated to media houses   and  capitalized  with  an  initial  US$20   31, launched a $2 billion global humani-
       worldwide, he is quoted saying that:    million. This facility  is disbursing   tarian response plan to fight COVID-19
       “Income losses  are expected  to  exceed   through  a  fast-track  mechanism  in some of the world’s most vulnerable
       $220  billion in  developing countries.   enabling UNDP teams to offer immedi-  countries. This response plan is intend-
       With  an  estimated  55  per cent  of the   ate  assistance  to  countries  for their   ed to protect millions of people and stop
       global population  having  no access  to   national response. UNDP anticipates a   the virus from circling back around the
       social protection, these losses will rever-  minimum $500 million need to support   globe. •
       berate across  societies, impacting   100 countries.
       education,  human rights and, in  the   UNDP has made a call to action to the
       most  severe cases,  basic  food security   international  community to think
       and nutrition”.                      beyond the immediate impact of
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