Page 15 - Issue 9
P. 15


          South Sudan:

          Women empowerment,                                                             Rebecca Nyadeng’ De Mabior,
                                                                                         Vice President of South Sudan

          as country turns new page

             he February, 2020 peace deal in   to women and girls who suffer hideous   estimates  that  716,508  civilians  have
         TSouth Sudan and the consequent    consequences of the violence, abuse,   been displaced by armed violence and
          naming re-organization of government   deprivation and loss of livelihoods. The   insecurity. Of these, 75,308 have sought
          under the R-ARCSS and the naming of   responsibility for family wellbeing in   shelter and protection at bases of the
          a new cabinet, including a woman Vice   these difficult circumstances places a   United Nations Mission in the Republic
          President, has once again placed the   phenomenal burden on women.   of  South  Sudan  (UNMISS).  Women,
          East African country in the spotlight on   According the appointment of Rebecca   girls and children make up the majority
          women empowerment.                                                   of those displaced and in desperate need
                                            and other women to the new cabinet is
          Rebecca Nyandeng de Mabior, one of   seen by observers as recognition, not just   of humanitarian assistance.
          the 5 Vice Presidents is the widow of the   the suffering experienced by women, but
          late General John Garang’, the father the
          youngest nation in the world. The others
          appointed vice presidents include James
          Wani Igga, Taban Deng Gai and. Gen.
          Hussein Abdelbagi Akol of the South
          Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA). Dr
          Riek Machar, the main signatory to the
          peace deal and leader of the SPLM-IO is
          the First Vice President.
          South Sudan gained independence
          from Sudan on 9 July 2011. The fifty-
          year long war between North and South
          Sudan bred a culture of violence that still
          pervades. Even after the independence
          of South Sudan, the new nation has been
          confronted  by internal conflicts since
          2013, just 3 years after independence   President Salva Kiir, Dr Riek Machar, First VP and 3 of the other Vive presidents,
          creating a humanitarian crisis with   Including Rebecca of the far right,
          displacement of populations and reversal
          of development gains.
                                            also the role of role of that has been and   The women of South Sudan participated
          According to UN Women-UN Women    indeed be played by the other gender   actively in the peace talks both as direct
          is a UN organization dealing with   in  finding  peace  and  reconciliation  in   representatives  of the two  sides of  the
          gender equality and the empowerment   country divided on ethnic lines.  conflict, and as representative of neutral
          of women worldwide-these conflicts                                   civil society organizations advocating
          disproportionately affected and continue   The UN Office for the Coordination   for the concerns and interest of all the
                                            of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

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