Page 20 - Issue 9
P. 20

Finance & Economics


          delivers blow

          to moving

          goods across

          East Africa

             he outbreak of COVIS -19 cross-  In Busia Country, local leaders and   to contracting the virus,” Mr Ombok
         Tborders trade in East Africa      residents are in arms, protesting the risk   said.
          negatively. While measure taken by   posed  by  the  truck  driver,  as  the  local   Meanwhile, Kenya Ports Authority
          the EAC partner states have helped in   COVID-19 hospital, at Alupe, with 38   and Kenya Trade Network Agency
          limiting the spread of the coronavirus   bed is full to capacity.    (KenTrade)-the only state agencies
          within the region, some of the measures   As the borders get overwhelmed with   mandated to facilitate cross-border
          have equally resulted in freight   little cargo crossing, the effect across   movement of goods-reduced their
          challenges, especially at the boarders   the  logistics  chains, particularly– the   workforce as a precautionary measure
          and other cargo handling points.  Mombasa port – where congestion    against contracting the virus.
          The measures instituted by partners   of  cargo  is  being  witnessed, with  The
          states include deployment of relay   Kenya Transporters Association (KTA)   Traders facing technical hitches when
          drivers, mandatory testing of truck   appealing to  governments  to  solutions   lodging documents to process their
          drivers at boarders and delivery of cargo   as a matter of urgency. “The Ugandan   cargo clearance paperwork will have to
          at temporary ICDs at boarders. While   government should assure drivers that   wait longer after KenTrade suspended
          well intentioned, these measures have   they will be protected and that they will   operations at its face-to-face customer
          resulted in a logistical nightmare for   not be stigmatized,” said Mercy Ireri,   centre.
          both the transports and cargo owners.  KTA chief operating officer.  At the port of Mombasa, stripping
          Crossing from one country to another is   In Mombasa, transporters threatened   of cargo has also decreased after the
          almost at standstill as customs officials   to  suspend  evacuation  of  cargo  from   management reduced the number
          grapple with an overwhelming surge   the port until their grievances were   of shifts from four to two since the
          of cargo trucks lining up at both sides   addressed.  The  traffic  gridlock  at  the   introduction of the 7pm-5am curfew in
          of the boarders. The Busia and Malaba   Malaba border had increased the cost   Kenya on March 27.
          border points (Kenya-Uganda), are   of transport, they said. “We want the
          recording cargo trucks snaking more   governments of Kenya and Uganda   Vessel clearance delays to allow
          that 60KMs. The Tanzania border at   to immediately  resolve  the situation   docking at the port have also increased
          Namanga has seen major snarl ups too,   at  border  where  there  is  a  traffic  jam   significantly after it was made mandatory
          with truck drivers raising concern of   of  more  than  50km.  The  drivers  have   for all Border closures cause delays in
          delays in testing and getting results for   genuine concerns and we support their   moving goods across the region.
          COVID-19.                         action,” Dennis Ombok, KTA chief   In addition, state agencies have reduced
          Moreover, the logjam of trucks at borders   executive officer told journalists in   their workforce and reviewed operations
          seems  to  have  come  with  unintended   Mombasa.                   due to coronavirus fears ships to undergo
          consequences, with truck drivers having   Mr Ombok said the current situation at   inspection, and their crew screened for
          been identified as super spreaders of the   the borders was unacceptable and long   the virus.
          virus. A high number of the drivers have   traffic jam where fuel tankers queue was   The  new transport  requirements have
          tested  positive, with Mombasa  already   dangerous in case of an explosion.  led to a low supply of trucks due to
          as coronvirus hotspot and the number of                              stringent medical screening at all border
          cases increasing exponentially in Busia   “The drivers are facing very tough   points, with only drivers, their assistants
          County, Kenya, all the cases being truck   conditions while they deliver essential   and the clearing agent allowed to cross.
          drivers.                          goods and services as they are exposed

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