Page 25 - Issue 9
P. 25

Earlier this year, Kenya said Djibouti’s   African Group             industrialisation plans.
          decision to stick to the race  “brings                               The Office of the United States Trade
          dishonor and disrepute to the African   Asia and the Pacific Group   Representative (USTR) published a
          Union.” Djibouti, on the other hand, has   Eastern European Group    raft  of key negotiation points in the
          termed the AU’s process and decision as   Latin American and Caribbean Group  proposed bilateral deal, should see
          ‘illegal.’                                                           Kenya lift tariffs on all US agricultural
                                                Western European and Others Group
          China, Russia and the French-speaking                                products and open its maritime, textile,
          countries backed Djibouti, while Kenya   UN member not in any voting group  telecommunications financial services
          depended on AU’s support and that of   Observer states               and other industries, including those
          most western countries. Djibouti’s was   Disputed territory          classified as sensitive to US investors.
          also supported by the Organization of                                Of course Nairobi expects to export a
          Islamic Cooperation, the International   US seeks trade  with Kenya, as AfCFTA,   range of goods tax-free to the US once
          Organization of la Francophonie and the   EAC raise eyebrows                    the deal is signed; however,
          Arab League.                                                                     experts have expressed

          Membership of the United Nations                                                 concerns,     warning
          Security Council is held by the five                                             that this may conflict
          permanent members and ten elected,                                               with the objectives and
                                                                                           principals of the AfCFTA
          non-permanent members. Prior to 1966,                                            protocols. This is based
          there were six elected members, while                                            on the view that, the
          the permanent members have in essence                                            US engaging individual
          not changed since the creation of the                                            African      countries
          United Nations in 1945, apart from the                                           would complicate the
          representation of China.                                                         implementation; unless
          Elected members hold their place on the                                          Washington is willing to
          Council for a two-year term, and half of                                         enter similar deals will all
          these places are contested each year. To                                         of AfCFTA members.
          ensure geographical continuity, a certain                            President     Donald      Trump’s
          number of members is allocated for each   Presidents Uhuru Kenyatta and Donald   administration has been pursuing
          of the five UN regional groupings.   Trump at the Oval Office within the   an “America First” policy in its trade
                                            White House on Monday, August, 2018.
          Other EAC countries that have served are   From the EU’s perspective, perhaps   negotiations with other countries
          Rwanda that was elected by the United   no single development is as crucial to   as part  of his attempt to  counter a
          Nations General to one of the rotational   setting Africa on a trajectory to become   surging Chinese economic and political
          seats on the UN Security Council for   a fellow bastion of multilateralism and   influence around the world.
          the 2013-2014 terms.   Paradodically,   rules-based free trade as the long-term   In the proposed FTA, the US is seeking
          Tanzania voted for Djibouti.      success of the AfCFTA.             to secure comprehensive market access
                                            These were the words of European   for its agricultural goods in Kenya by
                                                                               reducing or eliminating tariffs and
          Uganda  assumed  Membership to  the   Council President Charles Michel, when   providing  “reasonable”  adjustment
          United Nations (UN) Security Council   he meet African leaders in Addis Ababa,   periods for import-sensitive agricultural
          on January 01, 2009, having been elected   last year, on the margins of the summit,   products.
          as a non-permanent Member for a term   and other EU leaders. Further saying
          of two years, during the 63rd Session of   “the free-trade regime offers some hope   Ms Betty Maina, Kenya’s EAC and
          the UN General Assembly, held on 17   that the EU can compete for influence   Trade  minister  defended  his country,
          October 2008.                     with China and the U.S., great powers   saying it has abided with Section 37 of
                                                                               the  EAC  trade  protocol,  which  calls
          Kenya has served twice previously as a   that prefer bilateral relations. Some EU   for  any EAC  member  state  to inform
          member of the Council in 1973-74 and   officials are worried the U.S. might try to   other partners whenever it intends to
          1997-98. In the 1972 election, Australia,   undermine the Africa deal, by pursuing   offer preferential market access to a
          Austria, Indonesia, Kenya, and Peru were   agreements with individual countries   third-party since member states share a
          elected as the five new non-permanent   that make setting common standards   common Customs territory before such
          members of the UN Security Council for   harder”                     a deal is signed. “We would like to assure
          two-year mandates commencing on 1   The exact opposite could the views by   our partners in the EAC and the African
          January 1973.                     President  Trump  as  The  United  States   Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
                                            government seeks unfettered access   that we do not intend to jeopardise our
                                            to the Kenyan market in the proposed   regional interests.”
                                            free trade agreement between Nairobi
                                            and Washington, which could have   The controversial Kenya-US deal, once
                                            far-reaching implications on Kenya’s   signed, is meant to replace the African
                                            critical agricultural sector  and  its   Growth  and Opportunities  Act  (Agoa)
                                                                               agreement that expires in 2025.

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