Page 28 - Issue 9
P. 28


          Global GDP to contract

          by 5.2 percent in 2020                                               Stocks deep in face of COVID-19

             s the health and human toll    America by 7.2%.  These downturns are   bankruptcies and defaults could result
         Agrows, the economic damage is     expected to reverse years of progress   in financial crises in many countries.
          already evident and represents the   toward development goals and tip tens   Under this downside scenario, global
          largest  economic  shock  the  world  has   of millions of people back into extreme   growth could shrink by almost 8% in
          experienced in decades.           poverty.                           2020.
          According to the World Bank, in its   Emerging market and developing   A particularly concerning aspect of
          June 2020, Global Economic Prospects,   economies will be buffeted by economic   the outlook is the humanitarian and
          it describes both the immediate and   headwinds from multiple quarters:   economic toll the global recession
          near-term outlook for the impact of the   pressure on weak health care systems,   will take on economies with extensive
          pandemic and the long-term damage it   loss of trade and tourism, dwindling   informal sectors that make up an
          has  dealt  to prospects  for  growth.  The   remittances, subdued capital flows,   estimated one-third of the GDP and
          baseline forecast envisions a 5.2 percent   and tight financial conditions amid   about 70% of total employment in
          contraction in global GDP in 2020,   mounting debt.                  emerging market and developing
          using market exchange rate weights—  Exporters of energy or industrial   economies. Policymakers must consider
          the deepest global recession in decades,   commodities will be particularly hard   innovative measures to deliver income
          despite  the  extraordinary  efforts  of   hit. Demand for metals and transport-  support to these workers and credit
          governments to  counter  the  downturn   related commodities such as rubber and   support to these businesses.
          with fiscal and monetary policy support.                             The report looks beyond the near-
                                            platinum used for vehicle parts has also   term outlook to what may be lingering
          Over  the  longer  horizon,  the  deep   tumbled. While agriculture markets are   repercussions of the deep global
          recessions triggered by the pandemic are   well supplied globally, trade restrictions   recession: setbacks to potential output-
          expected to leave lasting scars through   and supply chain disruptions could yet   the level of output an economy can achieve
          lower investment, an erosion of human   raise food security issues in some places.  at full capacity and full employment-
          capital through lost work and schooling,                             and labor productivity.   Efforts to
          and fragmentation of global trade and   According to the report, even this bleak   contain COVID-19 in emerging and
          supply linkages.                  outlook is subject to great uncertainty
                                            and significant  downside  risks.  In   developing economies, including low-
          For emerging market and developing   the report, the forecast assumes that   income economies with limited health
          countries, many of which face daunting   the pandemic recedes in such a way   care capacity, could precipitate deeper
          vulnerabilities, it is critical to strengthen   that domestic mitigation measures   and longer recessions-exacerbating a
          public health systems, address the   can be lifted by mid-year in advanced   multi-decade trend of slowing potential
          challenges posed by informality, and   economies and later in developing   growth and productivity growth.
          implement reforms  that will support   countries, that adverse global spillovers   Another important feature of the current
          strong and sustainable growth once the   ease during the second half of 2020,   landscape, according in the report, is the
          health crisis abates.             and that widespread financial crises are   historic collapse in oil demand and oil
          In the report, every region is subject to   avoided. This scenario envision global   prices. Low oil prices are likely to provide,
                                                                               at  best,  temporary  initial  support  to
          substantial growth downgrades. East   growth reviving, albeit modestly, to 4.2%   growth once restrictions to economic
          Asia and the Pacific will grow by a scant   in 2021.                 activity are lifted. However, even after
          0.5%. South Asia will contract by 2.7%,   However, this view may be optimistic.   demand recovers, adverse impacts on
          Sub-Saharan Africa by 2.8%, Middle   Businesses might find it hard to service   energy exporters may outweigh any
          East and North Africa by 4.2%, Europe   debt, heightened risk aversion could   benefits to activity in energy importers,
          and Central Asia by 4.7%, and Latin   lead to climbing borrowing costs, and   the report says.

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