Page 24 - Issue 9
P. 24

East Africa

                                             UNSC in session
          Kenya wins Africa seat at the UN Security

          Council, third time round

          Early last month, Kenya won a United   Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta   nine other non-permanent members
          Nations Security Council seat as a non-  termed the win “a demonstration of the   and could get a chance to preside over
          permanent member after thrashing   country’s growing profile and influence   the Council’s sittings, an influential
          Djibouti in the second round of voting.   in  the  community of  nations  as  a   opportunity to influence agenda.
          The country has been away from the   steadfast and dependable development   Kenya’s term will begin in January 2021.
          highly coveted seat for 23 years, last   partner.”                   The country has been away from the
          serving as a non-permanent member   In  a  statement  to  media  houses,  he   highly coveted seat for 23 years, last
          (1997-1998).                      thanked the African Union for endorsing   serving as a non-permanent member
          Kenya won the Africa seat at the UN   Nairobi and giving it a chance to vie for   between 1997-1998.
          Security Council after garnering 129   the seat. He also thanked Djibouti for   Kenya joins elected members -- India,
          votes against Djibouti’s 62 votes in   being a worthy opponent.      Ireland, Mexico, and Norway that enter
          the second round of voting. Some 191   President Kenyatta said Kenya will   the UN Security Council at a crucial time
          member states voted. In the first round   “voice Africa’s position in the Security   to contribute to global conversations
          of voting, Kenya had received 113 votes   Council”.                  that entail peace and security, climate
          against Djibouti’s 78, with 192 out of 193                           change, gender issues, human rights,
          member states voting. Venezuela was   welcoming the resounding victory for   and international development among
          barred from casting its ballot as it is still   his country, President Kenyatta said   other functions.
          in arrears for its membership in the UN.   it would open Kenya to contribute
          Other members elected for a 2 year term   to critical global peace and security   They will replace Belgium, Dominican
          are India, Mexico, Ireland and Norway.  resolutions.                 Republic, Germany, Indonesia and
          The newly elected countries will replace   Kenyatta described Kenya’s win as a   South Africa.
          exiting council members Belgium,   demonstration of the country’s growing   Estonia, Niger, Saint Vincent and the
          Dominican   Republic,   Germany,  profile and influence in the community   Grenadines,  Tunisia  and  Vietnam  will
          Indonesia and South Africa. They will   of nations as a steadfast and dependable   remain in the Council through the end
          join current non-permanent members   development partner, thanking the   of 2021.
          Estonia, Niger, St. Vincent and the   African Union for the endorsement as   After being endorsed by a majority of
          Grenadines, Tunisia and Vietnam, and   the continent’s flag bearer in the contest.  African Union members in 2019, Kenya
          permanent members Britain, China,   Kenya will now be able to speak on behalf   expected a smooth run for a third stint
          France, Russia and the United States.  of Africa to come up with reforms and   on the UN Security Council (UNSC),
          Kenya’s win also serves to assure the   policies that favor the African continent.  but its run was disrupted after Djibouti
          world of the legitimacy of the African   Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh   called the continental body’s process to
          Union (AU) in endorsing candidates   congratulated Kenya on its win. He said   question.
          from member states to “act in its name.”   he hopes Nairobi will bring “valuable
          The AU had endorsed Kenya for the   debate” to the Council.          Djibouti’s win, would have meant an
          seat, but Djibouti rejected this decision                            all French-speaking African countries
          and went ahead to conduct parallel   Working alongside the five permanent   representation for Africa to the UNSC,
          campaigns for the only seat allocated for   members with veto powers (Russia, UK,   a scenario that has happened before (in
          Africa.                           US, China and France), Kenya will join   2001).

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