Page 21 - Issue 9
P. 21

Science & Health


          Microbe can prevent

          mosquitoes from

          infection by malaria


                                                      The Mosquito

             newly identified microbe, named   explains Dr Jeremy Herren, current icipe   The researchers stress that further
         A Microsporidia MB,  can  prevent   Scientist who led the study while jointly   studies will be needed to determine
          mosquitoes from being infected by   affiliated with  icipe and the University   precisely how  Microsporidia MB could
          malaria parasites. This microbe could   of Glasgow, UK. “Healthy insects often   be used to control malaria. The next
          be used to block the transmission   have microbial  symbionts  inside  their   phase of the research will investigate
          of  malaria  parasites  from  mosquito   bodies and cells, which can have major   the dynamics of the microbes in large
          vectors to humans, according to new   effects on  the  biology  of  their  hosts.   mosquito populations in screen house
          research published by researchers   At  icipe, my team’s research is focused   ‘semi-field’ facilities.
          from the International Centre of Insect   on this type of microbial symbiont,   While significant achievements have
          Physiology and Ecology in Kenya and   especially when they may be interfering   been made in tackling malaria, with a
          the University of Glasgow in the United   with transmission of diseases by insects.”  reduction of cases by an estimated 40%
          Kingdom.                          Although the new  Microsporidia MB   noticeable by 2015, progress has now
          This breakthrough comes at a time when   symbiont is naturally found at relatively   plateaued. Therefore, there is a need
          the World Health Organisation (WHO)   low levels in malaria mosquitoes in   to  ensure current  control  measures
          has warned that the current COVID-19   Kenya, the researchers believe that there   are maintained and strengthened,
          outbreak could increase deaths from   may be ways to increase the proportion   while  also  advancing  novel  control
          malaria as focus shifts towards the   of moquitoes that carry it, to block   strategies. Moreover, the  World Health
          coronavirus, and called for continued   their capacity to transmit malaria.   Organization (WHO) has recently
          research and advancements in this area.   This type of transmission-blocking   warned that any interruptions in malaria
          In a study published in  Nature   intervention has been shown to have   control efforts due to the COVID-19
                                                                               pandemic could increase malaria
          Communications journal, the scientists   transformative potential for controlling   incidences and impact.
          report that the microbe, which they have   Dengue, a disease transmitted by Aedes
          named  Microsporidia MB, was found   aegypti mosquitoes. Until now, there   Further, as  icipe  Director General,
          in  Anopheles mosquitoes. The study   have been few examples of microbes that   Dr  Segenet  Kelemu  observes:  “Given
          was conducted on mosquitoes in their   affect malaria transmission mosquitoes.  recent developments in Africa and
          natural environments, mainly on the   “We were excited to find that the   globally, the importance of scientific
          shores of Lake Victoria in Kenya. The   Microsporidia  MB  symbiont  is  advancement has never been more real.
          researchers established that mosquitoes   transmitted from mother mosquitoes   The ongoing coronavirus pandemic,
          carrying  Microsporidia  MB  do not   to their offspring, and that the microbe   the current locust outbreak in eastern
          harbour malaria parasites either in   does not compromise the ability of   Africa, and the fall armyworm invasion
          nature, or after experimental infection in   mosquitoes to survive,”  adds Lilian   that has been ongoing since 2016,
          the laboratory. The research also showed   Mbaisi, a Kenyan scholar who was   place a most urgent call-to-action for
          that  Microsporidia MB is passed from   involved in the study, as part of her   science and scientists, policymakers and
          female mosquitoes to their offspring at   MSc research at  icipe, registered at the   development partners.”
          high rates, and the microbe does not kill   University of Nairobi.   She adds: “These events also serve as a
          or cause obvious harm to the mosquito                                clear demonstration of the opportunity
          host.                             The authors note that these two attributes   cost brought on by deficiencies in
                                            are key, as they could enable the spread   support for critical research and the
          “The bodies of all animals are    of   symbionts  through  mosquito  effective translation of knowledge into
          inhabited by microbes which are either   populations, and their maintenance   innovative solutions. We must all remain
          detrimental – in other words pathogens;   across many malaria transmission   alert and unwavered; aware that every
          or neutral / beneficial symbionts,”   seasons.                       breakthrough is vital.”

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