Page 17 - Issue 9
P. 17
In a research report by UN Women in for women’s participation.
low income country the and the Nordic partnership with Oxfam and the Born
countries of Iceland, Finland, Sweden to Lead campaign, titled “Our Search The revitalized peace agreement signed
and Norway are classified as high for Peace: Women in South Sudan’s in September 2018 does, offer women
income, and while Rwanda features on National Peace Processes, 2005-2018.” in the country, a 35% quota in political
the UN list of 48 least developed nations, launched 30 January, former, by South representation at all levels of decision-
there’s one character trait they all share: Sudan Minister of Gender, Child and making.
they’re the five global leaders when it Social Welfare, Hon. Jemma Nunu During this year’s Women’s day in
comes to gender equality.
Kumba, it weaves in stories of diverse March, the importance of such female
But if South Sudan wants to propel South Sudanese women who have given participation in peace building was also
women into leadership and politics it of their time, their careers, and their stressed by Mr. Shearer, the UNMSS
will need to remove constrains limiting lives to the search for peace. representative in South Sudan, He is
quoted saying “Wherever I have worked
It analyzes what strategies the women in conflict zones around the world I have
used to engage, the challenges they faced, found that women are pivotal to ending
the factors contributing to their effective war and building durable peace. They
participation and their achievements.
are the leading voices of reconciliation,
The lead research and author of the of unity, of hope and progress,” he said.
report, Ms. Esther Soma, said that He was speaking at the panel discussion,
“Women’s efforts in peace processes have organized by the United Nations in
often been under documented and under collaboration with the ministry of
recognized yet women played great roles Gender Child and Social Welfare, with
in the search for peace in South Sudan.
Rebecca Okwaci representing South Even before South Sudan became panelists from UN Women, the main
Sudan at ITU Telecom World, Bangkok, independent, South Sudanese women political party- the Sudan People’s
in November 2013 Photograph: supported families, and conducted Liberation Movement, members of
campaigns on the need to end the war parliament and other entities.
with Sudan. They have meaningfully In their discussion, on the theme
most women’s entry into political contributed to numerous peace “Beyond 35%: Effective participation of
politics and employment spaces, and processes including the Comprehensive women or just numbers?”, participants
that’s lack of education. Peace Agreement (CPA) of 2005, the pointed out the crucial role of women
Agreement on the Resolution of the in peace building and responded to
The culture of underage marriages Conflict in South Sudan (ARCSS) of questions from the audience, made up of
makes it hard for women to attain 2015; and the Revitalized Agreement on some 120 people, predominantly female
a basic education. South Sudan has the Resolution of the Conflict in South university students.
proportionally fewer girls attending Sudan (R-ARCSS) of 2018. All these
school than anywhere else on the planet. efforts deserve to be recognized and “The aim of this affirmative action
UNICEF estimates that just one percent celebrated.” is to achieve equality among women
of girls finish primary school, meaning and men,” said Awel Mawien, deputy
that very few will be educated enough to “Over the years, UN Women has had speaker of the Transitional National
work in the top echelons of power. the privilege of journeying alongside the Legislative Assembly. She encouraged
women of South Sudan in their search for young women to aim higher than 35
There is enormous need for support a peaceful country. A journey that began per cent political representation, and
actions to enhance women’s effective long before UN Women was created – to prepare themselves to compete for
leadership and participation at the one that began during UNFEM time,” higher positions in both the public and
national and state legislative assembly, Dr. Paulina Chiwangu UN Women the private sector.
says the UN Women South Sudan. Deputy Country Representative stated
Further, committing to continue in her remarks during the launch of the
encourage gender equality advocates report in South Sudan’s capital Juba.
to influence and advocate for gender According to the report, the women of
responsive law and policies to increase South Sudan developed key advocacy
women’s leadership and participation. frameworks for women’s participation
Economic empowerment of women is including but not limited to The South
fundamental for growth, sustainable Sudan We want: Women’s 7-point agenda
development, durable peace building for peace, they humanized the peace
and achievement of the sustainable discussions holding parties accountable
Development Goals (SDGs). Expanding to their commitments and they
women’s ownership and control also has contributed to gender sensitive language
benefits for their families, communities in the final texts of the agreements Jemma Nunu Kumba, Minister for
and country. including a 35% affirmative action quota Electricity and Dams
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