P. 13

Leaders & Politics


          Alpha Conde

          re-brands at 82

                                                       Guinean President Alpha Conde

           n March, President Alpha Conde pushed   authoritarianism returns to the continent,   Alpha Conde  had became president
         Ithrough a constitutions referendum   rolling back the gains of the 80s and   after a lifelong battle against a series of
          amidst tension and opposition from the   90s, when most dictators fell, In the   despotic and military regimes which sent
          country’s opposition leader, who out   same period, a number of countries   him into exile and prison. It was Guinea’s
          rightly rejected the result fearing it would   across the continent adopted progressive   first democratic election since gaining
          be used by the Conde to extend his stay   constitutions,  whilst  military  leadership   independence from France in 1958.
          in power.                         was discouraged,                   But Conde’s critics have accused him of
          The proposal to change the constitution   President Conde had claimed the then   cracking  down  on  dissent  and  violently
          had been hugely controversial in the   constitution enacted under a military   repressing protests - charges he has denied.
          West African state, spurring mass   junta regime was like a colonial document,   He asked his government last year to draft
          demonstrations in which at last 32 people   borrowing a lot from French colonial era.   a new constitution that would permit him
          have been killed, according to media   His «modern» constitution eradicates   to run for office again.
          reports.                          issues like child marriages and Female   Conde has been “so disappointing”, said
          Independent   National   Electoral  Genital Mutilations.             opposition leader Cellou Dalein Diallo, a
          Commission  president,  Amadou  Salifou   “The fight continues until Alpha   former prime minister. He has created “a
          Kebe,  put  the  win  at  91.59  percent  of   Conde leaves power under the current   banana republic - a dictatorship in all but
          ballots    being  in favor  of adopting  the   Constitution,” Ibrahima Diallo, part of   name”, Diallo said.
          new constitution, while 8.41 percent were   the FNDC alliance opposing the new   An  alliance  of  parties,  unions  and
          against, accordingly affirming Conde’s   constitution, told AFPE. “We will continue   grassroots groups opposed to the
          desires.                          the struggle until the complete withdrawal   referendum delivered a similarly brutal
                                            of this new constitution that the people
          President  Alpha  Conde  plans  to  reset                            judgement. “He took himself for Mandela
          presidential term limits, allowing him   reject en masse.”           but decided to become Bokassa,” it said,
          to run for a third spell. Conde has not   The International Organization of the   referring to Jean-Bedel Bokassa, the
          openly declared intentions to run again.   Francophonie (OIF) had described as   former president of the Central African
          However, critics say the draft constitution   “problematic” nearly 2.5 million names of   Republic who declared himself emperor.
          extends presidential terms to six years and   voters on the lists, with duplicates and the   President Alpha Conde won a second
          remove the two-term limits.       presence of deceased persons.
                                                                               term in October 2015, securing victory
          Under current laws, presidents are limited   The European Union had questioned “the   in the first round of presidential elections
          to only two terms in office. If his proposal   credibility of the elections”, in particular   with about 58% of votes cast.
          passes, the 81-year-old could govern for   because of the “lack of transparency”.  Mr Conde’s political career began in the
          another 12 years.
                                            Moreover, West African States cancelled   1950s when, as head of the Federation of
          The constitutional changes come at a time   at the last minute a mission of several   Black Students in Francophone Africa,
          when many countries in the West Africa   African Heads of State that was scheduled   he campaigned for independence from
          are trying to promote the idea that there   to travel to Guinea. It announced that it   France, a drive that bore fruit in Guinea
          should not be more than two terms for   would not deploy observers because of   in 1958.
          elected presidents; this however, appears   the potential risks involved. The African   Amnesty International has warned that
          a challenge as many other African leaders   Union  followed  suit  by  recalling  its   unless authorities address mounting
          have  pushed  through  constitutional   observers.                   human rights violations, including the
          changes removing term limits. A situation   Conde’s  first  election  victory  in  2010   killing of protesters, bans on peaceful
          that has left the African Union exposed,   raised hopes for democratic progress in   assemblies and attacks on dissenting
          without a clear policy or common position   the former French colony after two years   voices, the country could face hard times,
          of the matter.
                                            of military rule and nearly a quarter of a   in the run up to presidential elections in
          Experts  have  warned  of  the  continued   century under authoritarian President   October, in which n Conde  has already
          erosion of democracy in African, as   Lansana Conte, who died in 2008.  indicated interest to run.

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