P. 18

Kapoeta, where gold digging is a way
                                                                               of life. However, the country reaps little
                                                                               benefit from the mining, since most of
                                                                               the gold is quickly smuggled out of the
                                                                               country through the black market.
                                                                               The government needs to seriously
                                                                               address  the  issue  of  economic
                                                                               diversification of the economy, moving
                                                                               forward, especially investment in
                                                                               agriculture  and food security. This
                                                                               should be a top priority.
                                                                               The Ministry of Agriculture in South
                                                                               Sudan has announced its goal of boosting
                                                                               food production in South Sudan to two
                                                                               million metric tons per year through
                                                                               agricultural investors from Gulf Arab
                                                                               states, Israel China the Netherlands
          President Salva Kiir                                                 and fellow African countries in order to
                                                                               increase production of basic food items
          GDP in FY2019/20 and to 7.4 percent in   including bribes; the lack of a critical   such as sugar, rice, cereals and oilseeds,
          FY2020/21. The current account deficit   mass of farmer and rural producer   livestock as well as cotton.
          is expected to reach 9.6 percent of GDP  associations as a means of entering the
          The major risk to the outlook is the   market place with the aim of minimizing   Moreover,  donor  countries  have  been
          sustainability of peace and security in   the cost of inputs, accessing loan finance   promoting  the  idea  that industrial
          the country. The formation of a unity   at affordable rates and influencing farm   farming is the key to improved food
          government on 22 February 2020, delayed   gate prices; and uncertainties pertaining
          twice amidst political deadlock, gives the   to property rights and access to land.
          country’s leaders a chance to build upon   Two and a half decades ago, the country
          a ceasefire between the warring factions   was  a  net  exporter  of  agricultural
          that  has  largely  held  since  September   product to regional markets; due to war-
          2018. While these developments are en-  related destruction, poor infrastructure
          outraging, significant challenges remain   and lack of investment in the agriculture
          and  the  new government  will  have  to   sector, South Sudan is now a net importer
          work in concert to unify the national   of  food.  It currently imports  as much
          army, resolve disputes over control of   as 50% of its  needs, including  40% of
          key cities and make peace with holdout   its  cereals from neighboring countries,
          rebel groups. A relapse to conflict would   particularly Uganda and Kenya. These
          reverse the modest gains made in the   come at a high transportation cost
          economy and would exacerbate the   which,  coupled  with  inflation, have
          macroeconomic and the humanitarian   caused food prices to rise dramatically.
          situation.                        According to the World Bank, the annual
          According  to available  statistics,  about   growth rate of the agriculture since 2000
          80% of the population lives in rural areas,   has averaged only 3.6%, and declining, a
          with agriculture, forestry and fisheries   mere shadow of the 10.8% growth rate of
          providing  the  primary  livelihood  for  a   the previous decade.
          majority of the households. Much of the   The declining agricultural production
          rural sector activity is currently focused   and reliance on expensive foreign food   Map showing oil & gas blocks in South
          on low-input low-output subsistence   supplies have contributed to a severe   Sudan& Sudan
          agriculture  instead of  production for   food shortage in South Sudan.
          markets.                          Although South Sudan has several   security in South Sudan. The United
          Among the significant reasons for this   mineral  deposits,  these  mineral  States  Agency  for  International
          are: the need for improved agricultural   remains largely unexploited due to the   Development (USAID), for example,
          inputs and techniques such as seeds and   ongoing civil war and lack of proper   since  2013,  has  been  working  with
          fertilizers, storage facilities and advisory   infrastructure. Many foreign companies   Citibank the  IFC,  the Corporate
          services, and irrigation development;)   have also been scared away by the   Council in Africa, and others to help the
          the difficulties faced by farmers in   violence.                     country market its resources and attract
          accessing markets due to the poor   Gold  mining  is  the  main  source  of   private capital in key sectors, including
          road network, lack of  other transport   income for people living in the eastern   agriculture. This was however stymied
          modes and nuisance taxes and charges,   part of South Sudan, especially in   by civil war, and little came of it.

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