P. 20

Finance & Economics


          responses to

          the covid-19

          crisis in Africa                                            Map of Africa showing EAC countries and flags

            ike all countries across the globe,   reduced  trade,  amidst  suspicions  rules, long queues of trucks are seen at
         LAfrican countries responded to the   regarding each others’ effectiveness in   border points with truck drivers and the
          pronouncement of the corona virus   controlling the spread.          business community raising concern
          spread as a pandemic, by the WHO, in   Each of the five countries constituting   delays and possible loses owing to
          March, with a flurry of activities and   the EAC, have had different approaches,   increased spoilage and damage of goods.
          actions meant to stop the spread.                                    Cargo moved between EAC countries
                                            to some degree, and varying levels
          These  included,  like  elsewhere  of restrictions in their fight against   by truck is mostly food and agricultural
          shutdowns and lockdowns of their   the corona virus. While Uganda    commodities.
          borders.  However,  according  to  Trade   and Rwanda have affected complete   Non food and agricultural commodities
          and COVID 19 Guidance Note by the   lockdowns  of economic  activity  for   are largely imports entering the region
          Word Bank, released in April, countries   renewable intervals, Kenya, South   through the ports of Mombasa and Dar-
          in Africa should strive to maintain trade   Sudan and Burundi implemented partial   es-salaam, destined to the landlocked
          flows during the crisis to secure access   shutdowns.                countries of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi
          to medical goods and services, and food   On the extreme, Tanzania has to a   and South Sudan. These ports also
          and other essential items such as farm                               serve countries in Central and Southern
          inputs.                           greater extent ignored all pressure and   African, including DRC, Zambia  and
                                            panic  buttons, allowing the population
          This, according to the note, requires   to continue with economic activity   Malawi.
          keeping borders open to the largest   as usual. President Pombe Magufuli,   According the Word Bank, trade in
          extent possible and avoiding measures   has argued that lockdowns would be   both goods and services will play a
          such as export bans or taxes. Countries   detrimental to the economy and world   key role in overcoming the pandemic
          should take action to reduce taxes and   hurt the poor most. This is despite the   and limiting its health and economic
          duties  on  trade,  to  streamline  trade   increasing infections in the country.  impact, especially on the poor. The main
          procedures and to support transport and    East African countries have a customs   purpose of this note is to highlight the
          logistics services in maintaining cross-  union in place, allowing the free moving   opportunities and potential benefits
          border and international value chains.  of people, goods and services. Indeed,   for African countries from coordinated
          “By joining together, countries in   despite the restriction, EAC countries   measures on trade in response to the
          Africa can implement coordinated   have allowed movement of goods, aimed   COVID19 pandemic.
          trade measures that result in better   at  providing  a  lifeline  for  supplies,  not   In a recent live televised meeting, held
          responses to the crisis. Joint actions   only between member states, but from   via zoom, Head of states, finally agreed
          include  bilateral  cooperation  on  anywhere else. Cargo planes continue to   on a coordinated approach to dealing
          border management, joint information   land at airports in the region to deliver   with the movement of cargo trucks,
          campaigns, coordinated purchasing   goods—including medical supplies— or   particularly, testing of truck drivers;
          of medical equipment, partnering on   pick up commodities for export..  however, implementation is becoming
          repurposing production to produce                                    yet another challenge.
          medical goods, and management of   The challenge however, is how to
                                            manage movement of trucks hauling
          health specialists to deal with emerging                             “Trade   contributes  by  providing
          hotspots on the continent”        cargo across borders, with truck drivers   countries access  to essential medical
                                            identified as asymptomatic carriers of   goods (including material inputs for
          In East Africa for instance, lockdowns   the coronavirus, with a number of them   their production) and services to help
          across the EAC member states whose   having tested positive.         contain the pandemic and treat those
          economies are interlinked has seen   With each country issuing its own   affected” say the note.

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