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instead of the previous ratio of 50 CFA   the gold standard. It is
          francs to 1 French franc. Over the years   rumored his removal was
          that followed, life became unbearable, as   at the instigation of France.
          unemployment increased and poverty   For many years since
          levels surged.                    the IV Republic,  leading
          Experts believe there is a link between   French  politicians  have
          the massive emigration of Africans   always been reticent on
          towards developed countries and the   issue of a currency for
          1994 devaluation, a phenomenon which   West African countries,
          has accelerated since then to this day.   which  was considered
          Paradoxically,  this  was  further  irrelevant  in  previous Map showing states that are member of ECOWAS
          exacerbated by, Europe’s economic   electoral processes.   with national flags
          expansion and the consolidation of the   Nicolas Sarkozy was once
          welfare state requiring foreign workers.  quoted  saying:  “France   up economic development, more
          Also experienced in these countries,   cannot allow its former colonies to create   entrepreneurial spirit and, above all,
          other that the social upheaval, were coup   its own currency and have full control of   more jobs and employment. African
          d’état,  blamed either these  economic   its central bank. If this happens, it will be   ownership must be strengthened and
          challenges or linked to fallouts between   a catastrophe for the Treasury, and could   the days of “aid” and of “donors and
          France and African leaders who made   drag France down to 20th place in the   recipients” put behind us. The EU and
          attempts  to  jump  out  of  the  CFA   ranking of global economic powers”   its member states want to engage in
          conundrum.                        Even  Micron,  who  was  touted  as  a   a partnership between equals. That
                                                                               means reaching a new agreement on
          Indeed,  what  had  followed  the  reformist, was elusive or cautious about   political, economic, social and cultural
          devaluation was reduced purchasing   the issue in an interview by the weekly   cooperation. Our starting point will be
          power, leading to intervention by   magazine  Jeune Afrique, ahead of the   the African Union’s Agenda 2063”.
          international financial institutions to try   first  round  of the  French  elections  in   The proposal aims to be an “integrated
          and prop up these economies under the   2017. Saying:  “exiting the FCFA zone   overall approach” to address issues
          currency that were then in tatters. This   is a choice which should first be made   ranging  from food security,  good
          was happening despite promise that   by the Africans themselves. “Those who   governance to social concerns, Gerd
          their situation would improve with the   don’t  feel  comfortable  in  the  zone can   Müller, the federal minister for economic
          devaluation of the FCFA.          leave and create their own currency.”   cooperation and development, explained
          Unfortunately, like its predecessor,   During a visit to Mali for a summit of   during a business summit in Nairobi in
          the Eco will be pegged to the euro,   G5 Sahel nations in July, as President,   2017.
          which advocates of the C.F.A. say   Emmanuel Macron, told dignitaries:   It should therefore, not be lost to
          would  give  it  stability:  confirming  the   “Those who aren’t happy in the   observers as to why Macron accented
          fears of the skeptics who believe, that   zone should leave”, a statement that   to  Eco  currency  agreement;  the  CFA
          with “irresponsible governments” in   underscored the premium France placed   franc is pegged at a fixed exchange rate
          the region, and leaders who think in   on holding on to its colonial vestiges   to the euro and the existing agreement
          ”French” this change couldn’t truly be   Macron opposed a “Marshall Plan”   maintains this arrangement for the eco,
          in West African countries’ economic   for Africa, proposed during the G-20   with the Banque de France continuing
          interests.                        Summit in Hamburg proposed by      to guarantee the new currency’s
          This however, is not to say there are no   Germany in July 2017. In essence, the   convertibility.
          African leaders who have attempted to   plan proposed giving African countries   This  arrangement  gives  France  a
          abolish the ‘colonial pacts: Mamadou   control over their economies, the   continued  hold  on  its  former  colonies,
          Tandja, was ousted in 2010 for his   promotion of partnership on the basis on   and arrangement that is to the advantage
          attempt to liberalize the market for   equality of countries and the promotion   of France and at a disadvantage to the
          uranium.                          of investments as opposed to aid.  West African countries.
           As if to underscore the selfish interest   According to the Germany’s minister for   A regional currency and independent
          of France in West Africa, Jacques   economic cooperation and development,   monetary union is a long-standing
          Chirac, former conservative President   the Marshall Plan, as explained then,   ambition of the wider ECOWAS bloc,
          of France in an interview in May 2008,   “was an expression of our will and of   and when its leaders met in June 2019,
          is quoted to have said: “We often forget   our  optimism  that  we  can truly  find   an agreement was reached to adopt the
          that the money we have in our wallets   a path to peace and development in   common currency in principle. However,
          comes precisely from centuries-long   our cooperation between Europe and   Ouattara’s sudden announcement that
          exploitation of Africa”           Africa. It must be an over-arching and   the former French colonies and Guinea-
          And by the time Muamar Gadafi was   integrated strategy of  the European   Bissau were ready to proceed, got the
          overthrown and killed, the Libyan leader   Union and its member states and the   bloc flat-footed.
          was campaigning across the continent   states of the African Union.   Moreover, the five anglophone ECOWAS
          for a consensus for the creation of a   “The focus will be on fair trade, more   nations  and  Guinea,  comprising  the
          continental currency guaranteed by   private investment, more bottom-  West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ),

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