P. 19
Lake Victoria, is
threatened by
flow of pollutants
into its waters A man fishing in Lake Victoria
ake Victoria, the world’s third largest local authorities, which increased the Kenyan side. Domestic BOD loads
Lfresh-water lake, is threatened by level of toxic substances in the lake, thus exceed industrial loads in all regions,
uncontrolled flow of pollutants into its endangering fish. and management policies should
waters, researchers warned recently. therefore be directed primarily towards
The lake lying within three East African Most local authorities and small beach a reduction of domestic pollution. It
settlements around the lake lack sewage
countries: Uganda (43%), Kenya was concluded that through effective
(6%), and Tanzania (51%) is a major treatment facilities, hence pollutants operation of existing treatment facilities
find their way into the water, this is
freshwater reservoir and source of water alone BOD loads on the Kenyan side
for domestic, agriculture, industrial, besides the poor agricultural practices in could be reduced by 50%.
surrounding highland areas that release
fishery, and transport purposes in the Nutrient input appears to originate
surrounding region. According to chemical sediments from fertilizers, mainly from atmospheric deposition
pesticides and herbicides into the lake.
available research reports, its resources, and land runoff, together accounting
support livelihoods, and ecosystem Other sources of pollution include the for approximately 90% of phosphorous
services for over 40 million people. washing of motor vehicles along the and 94% of nitrogen input into the lake.
lakeshores and urban runoff from busy The increase in eutrophication is most
But today, the lake is in danger due traffic and open garages, from where oil
to overfishing and heavy pollution, spills and particles of scrapped paint are probably due to an increase in nutrient
and scientists are urging regional washed into the lake. Moreover, several input from these sources, as a result of
governments to take action before it’s open domestic waste dump sites in the increased human activities in the lake
surroundings, such as land exploitation
too late. towns around the lake are situated along for agriculture and forest burning.
The Lake Victoria Basin Commission the lake’s shore. On the Kenya’s side for
(LVBC), a body established by the East instance, rivers feeding the lake played a Policies for sustainable development in
the region, including restoration and
African Countries under the East African major role in polluting the lake, acting
Community protocol to coordinate and as the conduit for pollutants dumped preservation of the lake’s ecosystem,
should therefore be directed towards
undertake joint development initiatives into the rivers owing to human activities
in the lake basin has been ineffective, upstream. improved land-use practices and a
control over land clearing and forest
unable to coordinate programmes that Pollution resulting from increased
target pollution of the lake. human activities is threatening Lake burning.
It is deeply troublingly that national Victoria, its effects being characterized A report by the Kisumu City County
environmental management authorities by eutrophication and the occurrence Environment Department notes that
in the three countries and county of dramatically low dissolved oxygen Lake Victoria suffers from pollution
governments are aware of the tragedy levels. In a study that applied a system of from human activities in the entire
happening within their areas but have pollution inventory methods to estimate basin.
failed to act due to lack of political will, waste loads from pollution sources on “The pollution is conspicuously
as big businesses influence decisions. the basis of functional variables and manifested in Kisumu area because of
pollution intensities. Penetration factors
The pollution, research shows, could are used to incorporate the effects the city’s geographical location on a gulf
lead to the collapse of the lake’s multi- of treatment facilities and of natural that receives pollutants brought about
billion fish industry, with grave social ‘purification’ in rivers and wetlands. by action even from distant places. Once
and economic consequences. According in the gulf, the pollutants are unable to
to reports, the main culprit is the release Results showed that biological oxygen disperse because of limited wave action,”
of raw sewage into the lake by various demand (BOD) load is highest on the says the report.
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