P. 23


          The ECO in West Africa:

          How to maintain the CFA franc?

         T   he CFA franc: A relic of colonialism?  states.                    requirement that the countries that use
                                                                               keep 50 percent of their foreign currency
                                            Togolese rapper Elom Vince, also known
             When last year, a bloc of West
          African states announced steps to move   as Elom 20ce, one of the initiators of the   reserves  in  the  French  treasury.  This
          away from a French-backed  regional   project, said then: The message of the   requirement, will be scrapped when it
          currency that dates back to the colonial   song is simple: “The CFA franc will die   becomes  the Eco. This  is  according to
          era, many would have thought, this was   and we will dance at its funeral.”   the agreement signed between France
          a policy pronouncement borne out of   At a joint news conference in Abidjan,   and the eight countries. Also to be
          visionary leadership, pragmatism and   Senegal, president of Alassane Ouattara   dropped is the requirement that a French
          economic prudence; however, behind   of Ivory Coast, with his French   representative sit on the currency union’s
          this steps is a rich background of   counterpart,  Emmanuel  Macron,  board.
          youthful activism and unsung heroes.   announced in December 2019, that the   Since its creation in 1945, the currency
          In August, 2017, a 35-year-old Beninese,   bloc would be changing the name of the   was seen as an insult to the sovereignty
          Kemi Seba, burnt a 5,000 CFA banknote   C.F.A. franc, used in eight West African   of the African countries, according to
          (around 7.6 euros or $9.10) in Dakar,   countries, and renaming it the Eco.   numerous experts. That this currency
          the headquarters of the Central Bank   “This is a historic day for West Africa,”   has survived for almost 60 years is a
          of West African States (BCEAO).    Mr. Ouattara said in the Ivorian capital,   huge indictment on African leadership.
          The activist was arrested and charged   Abidjan.                     The massive 50% devaluation carried out
          over the incident.                Abolishing the C.F.A. franc has long been   by France in 1994 gave further credence
          “I  burned  the  bill  to attract  public   demanded of activists across the region.   to the perceptions, leading to increased
          attention,” he said during his hearing   Demonstrations against the currency by   intensity of criticisms.  What however
          in court. “Not for lack of respect.” It is   opponents, who see it as undermining   torched off the embers of change was
          his actions that reignited an old debate   African countries’ sovereignty, have   a report entitled  “Africa’s monetary
          over the region’s currency leading to the   been voiced across the region— Senegal,   servitude”, Le Monde Diplomatique
          change the region is about to see. Seba   Cameroon, Togo and even France itself.  that concluded that “10 out of the 14
          who was later acquitted by the court,                                countries in the FCFA zone come under
          was then expelled by the Senegalese   C.F.A. stood for the French Colonies   the category of the least developed
          government and is now living in France.  of Africa when it was introduced as a   countries (PMA) and that, nearly 90% of
          7 minutes contre le CFA” (“7 minutes   currency by the then-colonial power   their population lived on less than two
                                            in  1945,  though  it  was  changed  to  the
                                                                               dollars per day.
          against the CFA franc”) -is the title   Financial Community of Africa after
          of a rap song released in 2018 in   independence in 1960. For a long time,   The devaluation of the franc in 1994,
          the Senegalese capital, Dakar by ten   it  was  criticized  by  many as  a  relic  of   bankrupted countries under the CFA,
          musicians from seven African countries   “Françafrique,” the unofficial system   whose economies were already fragile,
          aimed at mobilizing public opposition   under which France exerted influence   causing a wave of price increases, labor
          to the common currency of a total of 14   over its former colonies in sub-Saharan   disputes, demonstrations and violent
          countries in West and Central Africa.   Africa long after independence.  clashes across West Africa.
          Their main criticism: the currency is a                              The devolution of the CFA franc by 50
          remnant of the French colonial era and   The criticism of the CFA, to a large   percent meant that as of January 1994,
          is an affront to the sovereignty of African   extent has been centered around the   100 CFA francs equaled 1 French franc,

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