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          Disappearing migrant remittances

          to developing countries

             emittances which are private   constitutes approximately 2 percent   crisis in richer countries to poorer
         Rtransfers sent by migrants to their   share of Africa’s GDP.         countries. They will fundamentally
          families back home directly affect the                               shape how, and the pace at which, the
          incomes  and  livelihoods of  households    In Kenya, for instance, remittances have   world recovers from coronavirus.
          at a micro level. Several studies have   steadily increased at an average annual
          confirmed that families that receive   rate of 14.3  percent in  the last one   Remittances shelter a large number
          migrant remittances access better health   decade, rising to US $   Sh2.8 billion last   of poor and vulnerable households,
          facilities, have better education, high   year, constituting 2.5 percent of GDP.   underpinning the survival strategies
          financial access and low poverty levels   Kenya is one of the top eight highest   of over 1 billion people. In 2019, an
          than households who do not receive   remittance-recipient countries in Africa   estimated 200 million people in the
          remittances.  Moreover,  remittance  after Nigeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia,   global migrant workforce sent home
          flows through normal channels provide   Ghana, Algeria and Senegal.   US$715 billion (£571 billion). Of this, it’s
          opportunities for encouraging savings,   Remittances to Kenya have been   estimated US$551 billion supported up
          increasing deposits and deepening   consistently increasing, recording higher   to 800 million households living in low
          financial inclusion and development   levels than foreign direct investment   and middle-income countries.

          Remittances to Africa steadily increased   and portfolio equity flows. Remittances   The majority of remittances are small
          over  the  last  decade  leading  to  a   in Kenya are now the biggest source of   sums of money, spent by recipients on
          reassessment of  its importance  against   foreign exchange, ahead of tourism, tea,   everyday subsistence needs including
          other capital flows in policy debates,   coffee and horticulture exports. Recently   food, education and health. The World
          academic  circles and even  among   the remittances have become the largest   Bank  projects that within five years,
          researchers. This gained renewed   contributor to forex reserves, which the   remittances will outstrip overseas aid
          impetus following the global financial   Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) uses to   and foreign direct investment combined,
          crisis when remittances proved to be the   stabilize the currency.   reflecting the extent to which global
          only resilient and steady capital flow to   As the coronavirus pandemic hits jobs   financial flows have been reshaped by
          most developing countries.        and wages in many sectors of the global   migration.
          Remittances to Africa surged from US $   economy that depend on migrants,   But the social distancing and lockdown
          56.8 billion in 2011 to US $ 66.9 billion   a slowdown in the amount of money   measures used to contain the spread
          in 2014 against a total amount of US   these workers send back home to their   of  coronavirus  have  led  to  a  global
          $ 58.3 and US $ 54.5 in foreign direct   families looks increasingly likely. These   economic slump, with the International
          investment and official development   international remittances will be crucial   Monetary Fund predicting the global
          assistance,  respectively,  in 2014.  This   in transmitting the unfolding economic   economy will contract by 3% in 2020.

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