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workforce. Manufacturing accounts for   to improve first- and last-mile railway
                                            less than 10% of GDP. On the demand   connectivity, will produce efficiency
                                            side,  private  consumption  and  domestic   gains in trade and manufacturing.
                                            investment were the primary growth   Ethiopia’s public-private partnership
                                            drivers in 2019, but domestic investment   framework will diversify the  country’s
                                            slowed, reflecting fiscal consolidation.  development finance sources, improve
                                            Monetary policy was tight. But inflation   debt sustainability, and sustain growth-
                                            remained in double digits in 2019 and   generating infrastructure investments.
                                            above the 8% central bank target because   Ongoing financial reforms, particularly
                                            of central bank advances to finance the   to develop a capital market, will enhance
          Sahle-Work Zewde, President of Ethiopia
                                            fiscal  deficit.  Ethiopia’s  managed  float   domestic resource mobilization.
                                            exchange rate foresees a 5%–6% annual   According to a recent editorial in
                                            depreciation  to adjust  for inflation
          Economic growth                   differentials with trading partners.  the Financial Times, “Ethiopia has
          The economy of Ethiopia is a mixed and    High inflation has, however, contributed   transformed in 20 years from a famine-
                                                                               ravaged nation into a destination for
          transition economy with a large public   to overvaluation of the Ethiopian   savvy and well-known private equity
          sector. The government of Ethiopia is in   birr despite the 15% devaluation in   groups such as KKR.”
          the process of privatizing many of the state   2017, necessitating a gradual shift to
          owned businesses and moving toward a   a more competitive exchange rate.   Ethiopian formerly  Ethiopian  Air  Lines
          market economy. However, the banking,   Fiscal consolidation has ensured low   (EAL) and often referred to as simply
          telecommunication and  transportation   and stable fiscal deficits, despite a low   Ethiopian, is Ethiopia’s flag carrier and is
          sectors of the economy are dominated by   tax–GDP ratio, averaging  11%  during   wholly owned by the government. EAL
          government owned companies.       2016–19. Tax reforms are under way to   was founded on 21 December 1945 and
          Ethiopia has one of the fastest-growing   boost revenue mobilization, but deficit   commenced operations on 8 April 1946,
                                                                               expanding to international flights in
          economies in the world and is Africa’s   financing through central bank advances   1951. The firm became a share company
          second most populous country. Many   has fueled inflation and reduced
          properties owned by the government   monetary policy effectiveness.
          during the previous regime have now   Current account deficits have stabilized
          been privatized and are in the process of   because of the phased reduction of
          privatization.                    import-intensive capital projects- in
           However, certain sectors such as   line  with  the government’s  strategy
          telecommunications,  financial  and  of reducing external borrowing- and
          insurance  services,  air  and  land  been partly offset by official and private
          transportation services, and retail, are   transfers. Ethiopia’s debt sustainability
          considered as strategic sectors and are   rating deteriorated to high risk in
          expected to remain under state control for   2018 because of worsening terms of   Ethiopian GDP growth
          the foreseeable future.           trade and the subsequent weak export
          Almost 50%  of Ethiopia’s population is   performance.
          under the age of 18, and even though   Gives Ethiopia The World Bank a   in  1965  and  changed  its  name  from
          education enrollment at primary and   positive economic outlook, projecting   Ethiopian Air Lines to Ethiopian Airlines.
          tertiary level has increased significantly,   real  GDP  growth  to  stabilize  at  7.1%–
          job creation has not caught up with   7.2% in 2020–21 due to ongoing political   Ethiopian Airlines Group is the largest
          the increased output from educational   and economic reforms and normalizing   Aviation Group in Africa and SKYTRAX
          institutes. The country must create   relations with Ethiopia’s neighbors.  certified Four Star Global Airline. It
          hundreds of thousands of jobs every year   Growth should benefit from the   has been ranked as the ‘Best Airline in
          just to keep up with population growth.   Homegrown  Economic  Reform  Africa’ for the third consecutive year at
                                            Program,  which seeks  to  address   the Skytrax 2019 World Airlines Awards.
          Macroeconomic performance and     macroeconomic imbalances and unlock   The main religions in Ethiopia are
          outlook                           structural  and  sectoral  bottlenecks,   Paganism.  Ethiopia  is  a  predominantly
          Real GDP growth slowed to an estimated   improving  governance  of  state-  Christian country and the majority of
                                            owned enterprises and strengthening
          7.4% in 2019 from 7.7% in 2018, caused   institutional capacities.   Christians are Orthodox Tewahedo
          by social unrest and fiscal consolidation                            Christians, who belong to the Ethiopian
          to stabilize the public debt. On the supply   Measures to open key sectors to   Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
          side, industry and services continued to   competition  -  notably  transport,
          lead growth in 2019. Industry was driven   logistics,  manufacturing,  and  There are a minority of Christians who
          by  construction,  notably  for  industrial   telecommunication- will attract private   are Roman Catholic or Protestant. The
          parks and infrastructure investments.  investment, catalyze high value-added   Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
           Structural transformation is under way   services, and boost competitiveness.  is headed by a patriarch and is related to
          but needs to accelerate. While agriculture’s   Transport investments, such as the Addis   the communion of the Coptic Orthodox.
          share in GDP has fallen, the sector still   Ababa-  Djibouti railway, and  ongoing   Ethiopia’s currency is the Birr currently
          employs more than 70% of Ethiopia’s   logistics reforms, including measures   exchanging USD 1 to ETB 33.6.

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