P. 34

Special Report

          LAPSSET:                                                 LAPSSET and The Great Equatorial Land Bridge project.

                                                                    Lamu port, Kenya is under construction, is part of the

          Kenya’s Mega Infrastructure Project

          with regional aspirations

           n its original and most ambitious imagined   2010–2011, was an oil export pipeline from   LAPSSET corridor demands investment on a
         Iform, the Lamu Port-South Sudan-  South Sudan to a 32-berth free port and   scale without precedent in the history of the
          Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET) corridor   a merchant refinery at Lamu, from which   region-USD 24-30 billion. The project has
          project would be transformative, enormously   a  pipeline  would  run  to  Ethiopia.  These   been seen as an example of an infrastructural
          expensive, and very invasive, linking a major   pipelines were to be accompanied by highways   renaissance in Africa, with the sources of
          new port development on Kenya’s Indian   and standard gauge railways carrying both   international investment and governance
          Ocean coast to South Sudan and Ethiopia   passenger  and cargo trains. Three new   for such megaprojects coming from both
          with an oil pipeline, railway and highway.   international airports and Dubai-like resort   the East and the West. But funding-whether
          Current circumstances make it unlikely that   cities were proposed for Isiolo, Lake Turkana   private or public from any global pole-has
          the pipeline will reach South Sudan or that   and Lamu. A series of development zones   not been forthcoming on the scale necessary
          the railway will be completed within this   were envisaged along the corridor: special   to push this project forward as envisaged.
          decade or the next.               economic zones, export processing zones   LAPSSET was originally predicated on the
          The development of a new transport corridor   and agricultural growth zones. According to   export of South Sudan’s oil through Kenya.
          in Kenya has long been a project in search   the plan, LAPSSET would serve to relieve the   From the outset, however, many doubted
          of a rationale. Unfortunately, when finally   existing overburdened Northern Corridor   the economics of-and Juba’s dedication to-
          It  found  one  in  the  form  of  Kenyan  and   running from Mombasa via Nairobi to   such an undertaking. The civil conflict that
          Ugandan crude oil-even without reliance   Uganda.                    erupted in South Sudan at the end of 2013
          on oil from South Sudan, where civil strife   In March 2012, Mwai Kibaki, then President   has cast further doubt on South Sudanese
          continues and whose geo-economic interests   of Kenya, was joined by South Sudan’s   cooperation.
          remain a moving target-regional dynamics   President Salva Kiir and the late Meles    A different configuration of LAPSSET has
          and geo-politics seem to have conspired   Zenawi, then Prime Minister of Ethiopia,   now emerged, focused solely on the pipeline
          leaving Kenya alone to implement the   for the launch of LAPSSET at the site of the   and less dependent on Juba’s involvement.
          LAPSSET.                          project’s proposed port in Kililana, Lamu   Oil discoveries in north-western Kenya offer
          The LAPSSET  project has complex origins.   County, Kenya. More than nine years later,   a strong national rationale for an export
          The port at Lamu and the pipeline from   progress towards realizing this grand vision   pipeline,  albeit  on  a  smaller  scale,  with
          Southern  Sudan to the  Kenyan coast   remains modest, but significant, particularly   Uganda having exited the project.
          appear to have been proposed separately   given that Kenya is single handedly pushing   The various components of LAPSSET took a
          in the  1970s. Only  decades  later did  these   forward, in the hope that in the long run, at   long time to coalesce on paper. Proposals for
          different elements come together under the   least, South Sudan and Ethiopia will revisit   a large deep-water free port at Manda Bay in
          banner of LAPSSET, a project which draws   their  interests  in  the  project,  despite  the   Lamu first started to receive serious official
          its momentum from multiple sources-from   lingering questions about the timetable and   consideration some 45 years ago, predating
          regional power relations; from Kenyan   financing.                   by several years the idea of a crude oil export
          politics; from a vision for integrated regional   Long before the ground-breaking ceremony   pipeline from then Southern Sudan.
          development; and from contractors and   in 2012, the planning and implementation
          speculators who see it as an opportunity to   of this project faced what some considered   When Mombasa, Kenya’s only deep-water
          derive private wealth from public investment.   to  be  insurmountable  political, technical,   port, started to experience congestion, the
                                                                               idea of a second port came under discussion
          Integral to the detailed plans formulated in   financial and security obstacles. The maximal   and Lamu was seen as a possible site. The few

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