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been the case”. The famine as a whole took   Democratic Front coalition after the   Higher economic growth brought with
          place a decade into the Ethiopian Civil   unexpected resignation of Prime Minister   it positive trends in poverty reduction in
          War.                              Hailemariam Desalegn in 2018.      both urban and rural areas. The share of
          According to Oxfarm, UK, the famines   The new leader pledged to try to end   the population living below the national
          that struck Ethiopia between 1961 and   longstanding tensions with neighboring   poverty line decreased from 30% in
                                                                               2011  to  24%  in  2016.  The  government
          1985, and in particular the one of 1983–85,   Eritrea, and within months the two   is implementing the second phase of its
          were in large part created by government   countries declared that the state of war   Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP
          policies, specifically a set of so-called   between them was over.   II) which will run to 2019/20.
          counter-insurgency  strategies  (against
          Tigray People’s Liberation Front guerrilla-                            GTP  II  aims  to  continue  expanding
          soldiers), and for “social transformation”                           physical infrastructure through public
          in non-insurgent areas (against people of                            investments and to transform the country
          Tigray province.                                                     into a manufacturing hub. GTP II targets
                                                                               an average of 11% GDP growth annually,
          Since 2018, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed                                and in line with the manufacturing
          has launched a campaign of political                                 strategy, the industrial sector is set to
          liberalization at home and sought to end                             expand by 20% on average, creating more
          disputes with Ethiopia’s neighbors, in                               jobs.
          particular Eritrea.
          Parliament elected Sahle-Work Zewde                                  Development Challenges
          as the Ethiopia’s first woman president
          in October 2018. Ms  Sahle-Work, an                                  Ethiopia’s main challenges are sustaining
          experienced diplomat, promised to work   The Church of Saint George, a monolithic   its positive economic growth and
          to make gender  equality  a reality  at her   church in Lalibela     accelerating poverty reduction, which
          swearing-in to the largely ceremonial                                both require significant progress in job
          post.                             Mr  Abiy also pledged to bring more   creation as well as improved governance.
                                                                               The government is devoting a high share
          She took office a week after Prime   transparency  to  government  and  of its budget to pro-poor programs
          Minister Abiy Ahmed appointed a cabinet   reconciliation to a country that had   and investments. Large scale donor
          with half the posts taken by women.   been torn by protests since 2015.  He is   support will continue to provide a vital
          The World Economic Forum ranks    Ethiopia’s first leader from the Oromo   contribution in the near-term to finance
          Ethiopia among the most improved   ethnic group, which has been at the centre   the cost of pro-poor programs.
          globally in respect of gender equality,   of anti-government protests since 2016.  The  Word  Bank  identifies  a  number  of
          at par with Albania, Mali, Mexico and   The prime minister faced the first major   challenges for the country, particularly
          Spain..                           challenge to his political course in a coup   related to: Limited competitiveness,
          In a cabinet reshuffle in 2018, Abiy cut   attempt in Amhara State in June 2019. The   which  constrains  the  development  of
                                                                               manufacturing, the creation of jobs and the
          the  number  of  ministries  from  28  to   army chief and governor of Amhara State   increase of exports;  an underdeveloped
          20 and named 10 women among the   were killed in putting down the coup.  private sector, which would limit the
          new appointees. Women will now run                                   country’s trade competitiveness and
          key dockets including defense, trade,   With about 109 million people (2018),   resilience to shocks.
          transport, and the newly-established   Ethiopia is the second most populous
          ministry of peace that will tackle the   nation in Africa after Nigeria, and the
          wave of ethnic violence that has swept   fastest growing economy in the region.
          the country. Abiy said the move “was   However, it is also one of the poorest, with
          meant to show respect” to the women’s   a per capita income of $790. Ethiopia aims
          participation  in  nation-building  and  to   to reach lower-middle-income status by
          “disprove the adage that women can’t   2025.
          lead.”                            According to the World Bank, Ethiopia’s
          The record 50% female representation   economy experienced strong, broad-
          is a win for the new premier who has   based  growth averaging  9.9% a year
          undertaken strategic and radical reforms,   from 2007/08 to 2017/18, compared to
          both domestically and externally, since   a regional average of 5.4%. Ethiopia’s   Ethiopian Airlines is Africa’s largest
          coming to power in April. The sweeping   real gross domestic product (GDP)   airline and strongest.
          reshuffle is also a win for Ethiopia’s diverse   growth decelerated to 7.7% in 2017/18.
          federalism: with over 80 ethnicities, the   Industry, mainly construction, and
          Horn  of  Africa  nation  has  long  been   services accounted for most of the   The government aims to expand the role
          dominated by a few groups.        growth. Agriculture and manufacturing   of the private sector through foreign
                                                                               investment and industrial parks to make
          Abiy himself was elected on the back of   made lower contribution to growth   Ethiopia’s growth momentum more
          protesters who for three years demanded   in 207/18 compared to the previous   sustainable; and political disruption,
          land reform, full political participation,   year.   Private consumption and public   associated with social unrest, could
          and an end to human rights abuses in   investment explain demand-side growth,   negatively  impact  growth  through
          the country. He was chosen to lead the   the latter assuming an increasingly   lower  foreign  direct  investment,
          ruling Ethiopian People Revolutionary   important role.              tourism and exports.

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