P. 27



          COVID 19 stance

             he dismissive stance of Brazil’s President   with overcrowded cities, Brazil has over   threat, calling it  a ”little flu” in almost the
         TJair Bolsonaro, toward the COVID-19   the last few weeks seen    large increases of   same manner as president Trump. He even
          pandemic has angered health experts in his   infections and deaths, yet the pandemic has   questioned the official statistics from his
          country and astounded the world. He fired   not yet reached its peak.   own government,  blaming governors for
          his health minister, early March, following   Brazil is the largest country in Latin   manipulating numbers for political reasons.
          a series of disagreements over the response   America, with a population is estimated at   Earlier, Bolsonaro and Mandetta had clashed
          the country was taking to contain its spread   212,228,418 according to the latest United   for weeks over the need for widespread social
          in South America’s most populous country.  Nations data. It is a federal state divided into   isolation, the president arguing the measures
          Luiz Henrique Mandetta, an orthopedist,   sub-national (states entities) with a certain   were unnecessary and economically harmful,
          who had mobilized support from state   degree of autonomy (self-government and   and insisting the outbreak was being blown
          governors and heath officials in handling of   self-regulation) and endowed with their own   out of proportion.
          the pandemic that included promotion of   government and constitution, which together   Moreover, in a very strange twist, the right-
          broad isolation measures at state level and in   form the Federative Republic of Brazil.  wing leader, in his true form, joined a protest
          municipalities. His dismissal coming as the    It is this governance architecture that   outside army headquarters in Brasilia, the
          new coronavirus outbreak in Brazil was on   has enabled the governors to respond to   country’s capital were protesters were calling
          the upward trend.                 the  outbreak  independently  without  the   for a military intervention and demanding
          The president is said to have been irked by   presidents’ leadership, and opposing actions   an end to the lockdown  measures by state
          the idea of the stringent measures that the   inimical to the normal globally. The country   governors in the country—which Bolsonaro
          minister and the governors were instituting   has 26 states (estados) and one federal district   opposes. At the protest rally, Bolsenario was
          in the face of what he thinks is hysteria about   (distrito federal).   filmed coughing several times and was not
          nothing. Bolsenario believes the corona virus   In early March, as the coronavirus snowballed   wearing a mask, raising fears over his health,
          is nothing more than a common flu that   into a pandemic, sending panic around the   amidst rumors he was positive.
          should pass with change of seasons.    world, Bolsonaro traveled to the United
          Being cheered on by supporters, including   States to meet with President Trump at Mar-  Bolsonaro has referred to the coronavirus as
                                                                               the “flu like” and scoffed at social distancing
          many of his political elite, the president has   a-Lago in Florida. At the time, both leaders   measures intended to slow the spread of the
          behaved like nothing is happening, amidst   had been questioning the seriousness of the
          deaths and suffering. He has been so reckless   virus. The Mar-a- Lago meeting was later to   virus, proclaiming in late March that ‘we will
          that during unscheduled trip to the city of   turn out to have been as a contagion, with   all die one day” calling on citizens to go back
          Cristalina, Goiás, located on the outskirts   many of those who attended testing positive   to work, contradicting the orders by state
          of the capital Brasilia- the president had   for the virus.          governors and recommendations officials.
          breakfast with supporters, shaking hand and                          Bolsonaro’s reckless response to the outbreak
          hogging several of them without wearing a   US officials who attended the meeting, as   has undermined his country’s ability to
          mask.                             did Bolsonaro’s top aide, tested positive for   respond effectively drawing outrage, both
          According to the Brazilian Health Ministry,   the virus. Later, Bolsonaro’s son Eduardo   locally and globally, with the country’s
                                            had intimated to a US media house that his
          data, as at May 2, infections had reached   father had tested positive: a report he later   opposition, attacking him for his mishandling
          96,559 and 6,750 deaths, placing the country   denied. Reacting ti the reports, Bolsonaro   of the outbreak.
          seventh overall with the most victims in the   later released an official statement saying he’d   Meanwhile,  Brazil’s  Supreme  Court  has
          world, and also having the continent’s worst   tested negative, and blamed the media for   authorized an investigation of alleged
          outbreak.                         falsehood and that it was all fake news.   corruption and obstruction of justice by
          The toll however, could certainly be higher   And although later, he had praised the   President Jair Bolsonaro after the country’s
          as the country lacks the capacity for large-  World  Health  Organization  for  acting   outgoing justice minister accused him of
          scale testing, as elsewhere globally. Brazilian   responsibly when it declared the coronavirus   attempting to interfere with federal police
          medical researchers estimate that the   a pandemic, and even discouraged a rally   probes.  This  is  threatening  to  plunge  the
          country’s corona cases could be 10 times   of his supporters, Bolsonaro soon, started   country into a political crisis in the middle
          higher than officially declared. In a country   downplaying the severity of the corona virus   of a pandemic.

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