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As a result, the economies resorted   Hopkins University shows that Ethiopia   The International Monetary Fund
          to massive borrowing, both from the   owes Beijing $13.73 billion, followed by   considers a debt to GDP ratio of 50
          domestic and international markets to   Kenya at $9.8 billion. Uganda owes $2.96   per cent to be the optimal limit for
          quench their loan appetite, with fears   billion and Tanzania $2.34 billion.  developing economies such as the EAC
          that the increasing uptake of commercial                             members.
          loans could push most of them into debt   Rwanda, South Sudan and Burundi
          distress.                         owe China the least amounts — $289   “With several countries facing increased
                                            million, $182 million and $99 million   foreign exchange and refinancing risks,
          The IMF, in its regional economic   respectively.                    it is critical to enhance debt management
          outlook report for sub-Saharan Africa                                frameworks and transparency,” warned
          released at end of 2019, say, surging   Ethiopia’s biggest intake of the Beijing   the IMF in its latest Regional Economic
          public debt-to-GDP ratios for Burundi,   loans was in 2013, borrowed more than   Outlook report for 2020.
          Kenya,  Rwanda,  Tanzania  and  Uganda   $6.62 billion from Beijing for its mega
          has left them highly exposed to greater   projects,  including  the  setting  up  of   Kenya’s debt-to-GDP ratio hit 61.6 per
          rollover and exchange rate risks.  manufacturing zones, while its neighbor,   cent at the end of last year, from 60.1
                                            Kenya borrowed $3.7 billion in 2014,   per cent at end of 2018, while Burundi’s
          “With several countries facing increased   accounting for the highest debt intake   ratio climb to a high of 63.5 per cent
          foreign exchange and refinancing risks,   from Beijing.              from 58.4 per in 2018.
          it is critical to enhance debt management
          frameworks and transparency,” says IMF.  According to the IMF, further fiscal   IMF further warns that “The amount the
                                            consolidation is needed over the medium   EA countries are paying to redeem the
          Last year, Kenya went for a third   term  among  regional  economies  to   debts will result in capital flight, moving
          Eurobond raising Ksh210 billion ($2.1   reduce debt vulnerabilities and create   forward, at the expense of social services
          billion)  to  pay  off  other  maturing   fiscal space for development needs.  delivery”
          debt obligations, finance development
          programmes and fund government    Kenya and Uganda’s total debts as at   Kenya and Tanzania’s total public debts
          operations.                       June,  2019,  stood  at  $58.1  billion  and   as at June 2019 stood at $58.1 billion and
                                            $12 billion respectively, while Tanzania’s   $22.5 billion respectively, while Uganda’s
          The country’s parliament voted to   public debt stood at $36.78 billion in the   stock of public loans was $12 billion.
          increase the government’s borrowing   same period according to the Bank of
          ceiling to Ksh9 trillion ($90 billion)   Tanzania.                   Rwanda’s public debt tally was $5.4
          in the current 2019/2020 fiscal year,                                billion by 2018, having risen from $4.8
          accordingly breaching the EAC debt   Experts observe that, rapid build-up of   billion the previous year, according to a
          ceiling on debt accumulation, which is   loans has pushed East African countries   World Bank report released in October.
          set at 50 per cent of the GDP.    close to a debt crisis, putting at risk the
                                            region’s long-term economic stability.  This adds up to $100.34 billion debt
          The EAC Monetary Union protocol,                                     for the five EAC countries, when
          which was signed by the regional heads   Five East African Community member   consolidated with Burundi’s national
          of states in 2013, sets a 50 per cent debt-  countries have together amassed more   debt is currently estimated at $2.34
          to-GDP ratio as the convergence criteria   than $100 billion domestic and foreign   billion according to global business data
          for the attainment of a single currency   debt, stretching their repayment budgets   provider Statistica.
          regime by 2024. a deadline that is already   to the limit, of which Kenya and Burundi
          in jeopardy. and currently a subject of   have the highest loan distress profiles   With the debt numbers, experts warn
          review by the member states.      relative to their EAC peers, with their   that the region is facing a debt overhang
                                            debt to gross domestic product (GDP)   as its appetite expensive loans increase.
          Government debt as a per cent of GDP   ratios exceeding 60 per cent this year.
          is an important economic parameter
          used by investors to gauge the country’s
          ability to make future payments on its
          financial obligation thereby affecting
          the country’s borrowing costs and
          government bond yields, according to
          economists at Trading Economics.
          The East African countries of Kenya,
          Uganda and Tanzania are highly
          indebted to China, and are among the
          top 50 countries in the world on the
          Asian giant’s debt beneficiary list.

          The latest data from the China-Africa
          Research Initiative (Cari) at John   EAC Head of States: Salva Kiir, Uhuru Kenyatta, Yoweri
                                            Museveni and John Magufuli

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