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largest knock-on effect on poverty   allocation remaining meager.    reaching an all time high of 17.83 USD
          reduction and building resilience, with   While the functioning of the oil sector   Billion in 2011 and a record low of 1
          expenditures skewed toward defense   will be essential for the GDP per   USD Billion in 2019. The country’s GDP
          and security. Consequently, poverty   capita growth in South Sudan over   per capita in 2014 was $1,111 dropping
          levels are expected to remain extremely   the coming decade or two, as a matter   to less than $200 in 2017’—although
          high on the back of severe food   of  prudence,  the  government  should   official government figures are higher.
          insecurity and limited access to basic   invest  a  substantial  proportion  of  the   Outside  the oil sector, livelihoods
          services across the country. About 82%   oil revenues, particularly in agriculture,   are concentrated in low productive,
          of the population in South Sudan is poor   and should cut its spending steeply as oil   unpaid agriculture and pastoralists
          according to the most recent estimates,   revenues decline.          work.   Coupled   with   economic
          based on the $1.90 2011 purchasing   South Sudan is rich in agricultural land   mismanagement, many years of conflict
          power parity (PPP) poverty line.  and has one of the largest populations of   have eroded the productive capacity of
          According to economic experts, one   pastoralists in the world. However, since   the country.
          important  consideration  regarding  1999, when Sudan first started exporting
          domestic spending and investments in   oil, agricultural production in the   With consumption, non-oil exports, and
          domestic capital is potential capacity                               investment declining, oil production
          constraints in the economy. The   country has been on the decline to date.    provides  the  immediate
          experience from 2011, when fiscal                                             sources  of  growth   in
          spending increased dramatically                                               South Sudan. While the
          and annual consumer price                                                     rehabilitation of oil fields and
          inflation stood above 50%, and the                                            resumption of oil production
          experience from 2012, when the                                                are underway, oil production
          fiscal spending was rolled back and                                           is  not expected  to  reach
          the inflation fell towards zero, hint                                         pre-crisis levels in the short
          at existence of binding bottlenecks                                           term. The situation has
          in the South Sudanese economy.                                                been muddied by the fall in
           Moreover the capacity of the                                                 global demand, and therefore
          government to undertake in-                                                   prices, which translate to
          vestments in public investment                                                depressed revenues for the
          management systems has shown                                                  country.
          to be important for the efficiency  Workers at an oil facility in South Sudan
          of public investment spending. The                                   The economy is estimated to have
          role of institutions and governance,                                 recovered with a growth rate of 3.2% in
          apply similarly for the non-oil economy.   This has been particularly catalyzed by   FY 2018/19, from a contraction of 3.5%
          Regardless of  where economic growth   the post independence conflict 2013-  during FY2017/18. Inflation averaged
          in South Sudan is to be generated, the   2020.                       60.8%  during  FY2018/19  from  121.4%
          institutional setting and implementation                             during FY 2017/18. The gap between the
          of laws and regulations will be the   According the World Bank, South Sudan   official exchange rate and the parallel
          guiding light.                    remains in a serious humanitarian crisis   market rate remains high and increased
          Although agriculture is considered   due to the cumulative effects of years of   from 65% in December 2018 to 85% in
          the backbone of the economy of    conflict which has destroyed people’s   June 2019. The external sector current
          South Sudan, agriculture is the least   livelihoods and forced 4.2 million   account deficit, excluding grants, rose
          considered in budgetary allocation as of   people to flee their homes – nearly two   to 6.5% of GDP during FY2018/19 from
          high priority. According to WFP, despite   million inside and nearly 2.2 million   4.5% in FY 2017/18
          the great potential for agricultural   outside  the  country.  Extreme  levels  of   The   bank’s  Economic  growth
          development only 4 percent of the land   acute food insecurity persist across the   projections for FY2019/20 have been
          is used for crop production.      country and number of people who   further downgraded to 4.3 percent,
          To get a rough idea of the structure of the   require humanitarian assistance as at   reflecting lower oil prices and a
          South Sudan economy going forward, we   2019 remains at seven million (more   weak global economy on account of
          can go to the South Sudan Development   than half of the population), and women   the COVID-19 pandemic. Private
          Plan 2011-2013 (SSDP, Government   and children continue to be the most   consumption is expected to remain
          of the Republic of South Sudan2011).   affected.                     weak, contracting by 0.8 percent in
          While  the strategy projected growth                                 FY2019/20. Border closures and social
          in the oil sector in the long term, it     The  food  insecure  includes  an   distancing are expected to contribute to
          projected a 40% decline in oil production   estimated 1 million refuges and IDPs   this contraction. Lower oil prices could
          over the period 2011-2016, a gap that   who  have returned from  neighboring   be partly offset by higher oil production
          government expected  to plug  through   countries, and camps respectively,  to
          expansion of the agricultural economy,   settle in villages that lack food or social   (178,833 bpd) with exports increasing
          investments in other extractive areas   amenities. .                 by 14.5 percent in FY2019/20 but decline
          (mining) and service industries, sectors                             sharply by -16.1 percent in FY2020/21.
          that have shown immense potential, but   GDP in South Sudan averaged 11.47   The budget deficit, excluding arrears,
          starved of investments, with government   USD Billion from 2008 until 2019,   is projected to grow to 3.7 percent of

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