Page 12 - Ty Warner Case Study
P. 12
Charitable Donations
in addition he has created Beanie
Andre Agassi $6 million Babies for the sole purpose of
Charitable generating money for a charity for
Foundation for example: Courage the dog, in honour
At Risk Youth of 9/11 rescuers or "Ronnie" bear
Ty Warner Sea $8.1 million where the proceeds go to upgrade living
Center quarters of crew members serving
Ty Warner $3 million aboard the US Navy's newest aircraft
Park, Westmont carrier, the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan.
American and However, he has also acquired a
International reputation for extreme
Red Crosses ruthlessness. His team of lawyers
Elizabeth uncompromisingly hunts down any
Glaser Pediatric perceived infringements of copyright.
In addition he has created Beanie Babies for the sole purpose of generating
money for a charity for example: Courage the dog, in honour of 9/11 rescuers or
"Ronnie" bear where the proceeds go to upgrade living quarters of crew
members serving aboard the US Navy's newest aircraft carrier, the U.S.S.
Ronald Reagan.
However, he has also acquired a reputation for extreme ruthlessness. His team
of lawyers uncompromisingly hunts down any perceived infringements of
One beanie Warner created for charity was Beanie Baby Issy. However, there
are currently 63 different Issy bears! Each of these has a different city printed
on their hang and ‘tush' tag representing a location of a Four Seasons Hotel.