Page 17 - RBS GRG F Case Study
P. 17

RBS Response to


                                                               In April 2014, RBS

                 responded by calling in the law firm Clifford Chance
                 which often advised it to do an "independent review" of

                 the situation. They "found no evidence of systematic

                 defrauding of business customers." (25)

                 “On the back of the report, the new RBS chief executive,

                 Ross McEwan, did a victory lap of media interviews

                 welcoming the report and praising the work of GRG. “Our

                 independent report said this was a pretty good unit,” he

                 said in one radio phone-in. Thus emboldened, the bank

                 announced that it was considering suing Tomlinson.” (25)

                                                        Two months later, Derek Sach,

                                                        GRG Chief Executive and Chris

                                                        Sullivan, RBS, Deputy Chief

                                                        Executive were called before

                                                        the Treasury Select Committee

                                                        for questioning by MPs.

                                                        “Andrew Tyrie, the committee
                                                        chair, took aim at the Clifford
                                                        Chance report. “You have

                 described that as independent. Doesn’t Clifford Chance

                 do business for RBS, other business?” Sach had to admit:
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