Page 16 - RBS GRG F Case Study
P. 16
Evidence from Tomlinson showed that 94% of SME’s
entering GRG were killed off for profit. A higher casualty
rate than front line soldiers serving in WWI. (2) Tomlinson
who banked with RBS was subsequently told by RBS that
he could no longer remain a customer of the bank who
said that the decision had nothing to do with the critical
He said the businesses had then been moved to the
bank's Global Restructuring Group (GRG), which had
charged extra interest and fees.
RBS denied GRG had treated customers unfairly. It
commissioned its own inquiry, which rejected the main
allegations in Mr Tomlinson's report. (2,3)
Tomlinson commented:
"I've been with them 20 years. I've tried to help them
change, and they've cancelled all my business and
personal accounts - I think to just create the maximum
amount of disruption to me and my businesses" (3)
The business secretary, the chancellor of the exchequer,
and the governor of the Bank of England all demanded
an urgent regulatory investigation. Within a day of the
report being published, the Financial Conduct Authority
had launched an official inquiry. (25)
The FCA had no option but to undertake a review. Most
practitioners expected it to take about six months. But it
took until April 2016.