Page 4 - Ice Breaker Case
P. 4
BCG plc Case Study
Paragraph 1
The Business Communications Group plc (BCG) had, in its
seven years of existence, established for itself a dominant
position in a number of global markets in the US, Europe
and latterly China. The credit for its success lay at the feet
of one man, its founder; Chairman; and Chief Executive,
Richard Sweet. Sweet had developed the company on the
basis of planned introduction of new products supported
by imaginative marketing, and good customer service. On
the basis of this BCG had achieved a current annual
turnover in excess of $2 billion and an IPO after five years.
With its high profit margins, and continually rising share
prices, it had rapidly become one of the favourites of
investors. However, it had recently become apparent to
Sweet that the organization structure, no longer supported
the company's strategy.