Page 5 - Ice Breaker Case
P. 5

Paragraph 2

                 For years the company had been organized along

                 functional lines, with directors in charge of finance,
                 marketing, production, personnel, purchasing,

                 engineering, and research and development.  In its growth,

                 the company had expanded its product lines beyond its

                 original product of network systems, Satellite
                 Communications Systems, and Network applications.

                 However, concern had arisen that its organization

                 structure did not provide for profit responsibility below the

                 office of the CEO, did not appear to fit the product or
                 geographic dispersion of its businesses, and seemed

                 rather to accentuate the "walls" impeding effective

                 communication and coordination between the functional
                 departments of marketing, finance, production, personnel

                 and Research & Development;  there seems to be too

                 many decisions that could not be made at any level lower

                 than the CEO.
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