Page 22 - RBS GRG F Teaching Note
P. 22
GRG & Businesses in Distress
Banks tend to categorise their problems as legacy issues
thereby endowing them with a cloak of historic fog that
implies a perception of ‘not on our watch’.
However, RBS’ GRG’s treatment of small and medium sized
businesses somewhat failed to show that any change in
attitude and culture post financial crisis had developed.
Denial by senior management of wrongdoing was very
evident e.g. RBS CEO Ross McEwan blamed his underlings
for GRG’s mistreatment of small businesses, suggesting the
unit’s senior executives, not boardroom leaders, were at
fault while appearing before the Treasury Select Committee.
Following the 2008 credit crisis, GRG took control of 16,000
distressed SME customers with £65 billion of assets. But,
GRG took advantage of these struggling businesses to
secretly boost RBS’ profits. Under threat of foreclosure of
loans, the banks seized control of customer assets cheaply
claiming they were failing even though often they had not
defaulted on any loan repayments.
Perhaps most despicable was that bank managers were able
to increase their bonuses by identifying business customers
who could be squeezed in the so called “Project: Dash for