Page 9 - RBS GRG F Teaching Note
P. 9
Bail-in – The UK is one of the first countries to adopt a
statutory bail-in power which enables the Bank of
England to expose certain creditors of a failed bank to
loss by writing down or converting their interests into
new capital. This ensures that the critical functions a
bank provides to the economy can be continued in the
event of its failure. This is a key tool to end the problem
that banks are considered too big to fail.
Less exposure – The banks have restructured their
balance sheets to reduce exposures to riskier trading
Stress tests – The UK’s largest banks take part in both
the Bank of England’s and European Central Bank’s
stress tests. These confirm the bank’s financial.
Asking the question ‘how would you rank Ross McEwan as a
CEO’ allows a rationale to be presented and argued? The list
of RBS’ competitors, as shown in diagram 1, gives an insight
into Ross McEwan and his performance as leader of RBS.
Although very limited and somewhat flawed it nevertheless
gives a flavour of how these CEO are ranked.