Page 99 - Tyrrells Flip Teaching Guide
P. 99

Structure: Chase 2002 – 2008

               In the case of Tyrrells Chips growth had been the catalyst of

               change. Markets and products had been developed and

               extended, predominantly based on the knowledge of

               William Chase. Although there is evidence in the case study

               that Chase has developed the company structure from

               embryonic to a functional one, he also seems to be closing

               down channels of distribution i.e., Supermarkets which

               could lead to enhanced growth. Moreover, the move into

               vodka production would shift the company away from its

               distinctive competence and would require structural change

               where embedded knowledge was not enough to sustain

               performance leading to a split between parent and

               subsidiary business.

               STRUCTURE: Milner 2008 - 2016

               David Milner joined Tyrrells just as change had started to

               take off. His task was to build on the move away from

               Chase’s reticence to deal with the supermarkets. In addition

               to move the company into international markets.

               Inevitably, such growth would impact on the structure of the

               organisation. Especially as acquisitions such as Glennans

               were added thus driving the company towards the maturity

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