Page 104 - Tyrrells Flip Teaching Guide
P. 104
Chase had made up-market, independents the cornerstone
of his brand.
“It is the independent retailers whom you need to inspire
with passion, because they are the ones who recommend
For Chase the choice boiled down to an old-fashioned trade-
off between costs and benefit. If a brand’s top concern is to
preserve its cachet, then the answer is probably to forego
market share in return for higher margin and a more
distinctive positioning.
However, under Milner the emphasis changed. The
company was no longer a family business – it was a profit-
oriented business where its investors were expecting a
return in their investment.
To achieve this Milner’s three-pronged strategy sought to
increase sales through:
• All UK supermarkets
• International markets and
• Increased product offering.
The focus here was profit and ROI, the means was through
brand development and distribution channel extension.